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  • Care home

Archived: Ruckland Court Care Home

Overall: Requires improvement read more about inspection ratings

Ruckland Avenue, Lincoln, Lincolnshire, LN1 3TP (01522) 530217

Provided and run by:
Lace Housing Limited

All Inspections

25 March 2015

During a routine inspection

This inspection took place on 25 March 2015 and was unannounced. Ruckland Court Care home provides care for older people who have mental and physical health needs including people living with dementia. It provides accommodation for up to 50 people who require personal and nursing

care. At the time of our inspection there were 47 people living at the home.

At the time of our inspection there was a registered manager in post. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.’

On the day of our inspection we found that staff interacted well with people and people were cared for safely. People told us that they felt safe and well cared for. When we spoke with staff they were able to tell us about how to keep people safe. The provider had systems and processes in place to keep people safe.

Infection control risks were not consistently managed and people were at risk of cross infection.

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The provider acted in accordance with the Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA) and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS). If the location is a care home the Care Quality Commission is required by law to monitor the operation of the DoLS, and to report on what we find.

We found that people’s health care needs were assessed, and care planned and delivered

to meet those needs. People had access to other healthcare professionals such as a dietician and GP and were supported to eat enough to keep them healthy. People had access to drinks during the day and had choices at mealtimes and where people had special dietary requirements we saw that these were provided for.

Staff responded in a timely and appropriate manner to people. Staff were kind and sensitive to people when they were providing support and people had their privacy and dignity considered.

Staff had a good understanding of people’s needs and were provided with training on a variety of subjects to ensure that they had the skills to meet people’s needs. We saw that staff obtained people’s consent before providing care to them.

People had access to activities however, at the time of our inspection there were limited activities because the staff responsible for this had left and the home were in the process of recruiting to the role.

Staff told us that they felt able to raise concerns and issues with management. We found relatives were clear about the process for raising concerns and were confident that they would be listened to. However, the complaints process was only available in written format and therefore not everyone was able to access this.

Audits were carried out on a regular basis and action plans put in place to address any concerns and issues. Accidents and incidents were recorded and reviewed to ensure trends and patterns were identified. The provider had informed us of incidents as part of our notification system.

24 June 2013

During a routine inspection

Prior to our visit we reviewed all the information we had received from the provider. During the visit we spoke with seven people who used the service and asked them for their views. We also spoke with five care workers, two senior care workers and the registered manager. We also looked at some of the records held in the service including the care files for five people. We observed the support people who used the service received from staff and carried out a brief tour of the building.

We found people gave consent to their care and received care and support that was safe and met their needs. A person told us, 'I am quite deaf. Some staff take the time to make sure I have understood what they said. Sometimes they get me to repeat back what they said, I think that's a good idea.' Another person told us, 'I think we are very well looked after, we have only got to ask and they will help us.'

We found there were suitable arrangements for the management of medicines. A person told us, 'I am given my medication at certain times throughout the day.'

We found the staff team were supported through training and the provider assessed and monitored the quality of the service. A person told us they thought the staff who hoisted them had been trained to do so, as they did it safely. Another person told us, 'We are free to say if something wasn't done how we wanted it, if you say it in a nice way they (staff) will listen to you.'

8 January 2013

During a routine inspection

Prior to our visit we reviewed all the information we had received from the provider. During the visit we spoke with four people who used the service and asked them for their views. We also spoke with five care staff and the administrator and the acting manager. We also looked at some of the records held in the service including the care files for six people. We observed the support people who used the service received from staff and carried out a tour of the building.

We found the provider did not act in accordance with people's wishes. One person told us, 'I would like one (bath) a week not one every few weeks like I get. It was a good lad that gave me a bath today.'

We found people did not always receive care and support as described in their plan of care. One person told us, 'The one thing I would really like is to have a game of bingo each week, so many of us get bored.'

We found the premises were suitable and safe. A person told us, 'I don't think anything is left broken for long. There always seems to be someone working fixing things.'

We found there were sufficient and suitable staff available. A person told us, 'We need more carers than we have got, so many people can't do things for themselves.'

We found people's comments and complaints were acted upon. A person told us, 'We can speak to them (staff) when we want, anything we want done they do for us.'

14 February 2012

During a routine inspection

People told us they could make drinks and snacks when they wanted. They had their own flat/bedroom with en-suite facilities and use of a kitchenette. People said that they were happy living at the home.

One relative was heard saying the home was lovely and their relative had settled in very well.

People told us they were able to go out with family and friends when they wanted. One person said that they liked going out on their own as well.

People were very complimentary about the staff and said they were well looked after. They said that they felt safe in the home and they had use of a lockable space in their rooms, however they did not always use it.

We had an expert by experience with us during the visit. An expert by experience has personal experience of using or caring for someone who uses a health, mental health and/or social care service accompanied us on this inspection.