Archived: Housing21 - Luton

Unit 1 Crowbush Farm Business Park, Luton Road, Toddington, Bedfordshire, LU5 6HU 0845 072 8533

Provided and run by:
Claimar Care Limited

All Inspections

9 November 2011

During an inspection looking at part of the service

We did not request information directly from people about this outcome area during our visit on 09 November 2011.

However we were able to read recent comments made by people using the service within records maintained by the service.

A number of people said that they were happy with service they were receiving and that they received good care - particularly from regular carers.

People stated that when care workers were late, that they had been kept informed by office staff.

A small number of people reported that they had not been informed of changes to their care calls, but reported no other concerns about the service they were receiving.

10 August 2011

During an inspection looking at part of the service

As the main purpose of this review was to assess improvements made in relation to issues highlighted during previous reviews of compliance; we did not request information directly from anyone using the service on this occasion.

However we did review records containing recent feedback from people using the service.

A number of people were happy with the service they were receiving and made references to improvements that had taken place within the last six months. One person commented on the "excellent care" they had received from a regular carer.

People also raised concerns about carers not staying for the full duration of calls, not arriving when expected and the office not informing them when a care call needed to change.

12 May 2011

During a routine inspection

Overall the people we spoke with during our visits in May 2011, told us that they understood the care and support choices available to them. People were aware that new care documents were being introduced and where this had happened; they were in agreement with the content of those documents.

Most people knew who to talk to if they had any concerns or wanted to change any decisions about their care and support.

People told us that they were happy with the service being provided to them. One person described the staff as 'lovely' and another said the agency was 'fantastic'.We were told that the staff 'do their job properly'. Another person said the staff were 'first class' but that sometimes they felt a bit rushed and would appreciate a bit more dialogue.

Everyone we spoke with told us how important it was for people using the service to receive continuity of staff; but that this had not always happened in the past.

One person told us that they would appreciate it if new staff could shadow an experienced member of staff, before the new member of staff is able to provide support to them on their own.

People were generally positive about the changes taking place. They told us that although it was still early days, things were improving and everything felt more 'orderly'.

16, 17 February 2011

During an inspection looking at part of the service

We did not speak with any of the people being supported by the agency during this review. We saw a card from a relative of someone receiving care which thanked staff for their support.