Archived: Nightingales Home Support Limited

Unit C Ibex House, 3 Keller Close, Kiln Farm, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, MK11 3LL (01908) 623240

Provided and run by:
Nightingales Home Support Limited

All Inspections

9 January 2013

During a routine inspection

We spoke with five relatives of people who received care from Nightingales Home Support, they told us they were happy with the care that was provided and described the staff as caring, knowledgeable and friendly. They told us 'the carers turn up on time, and we are happy with the care', 'very satisfied with the service','very happy with the way they are dealing with the dementia'and 'she is happy with the care as she knows all the carers' One person who lived away from the area told us that the staff kept them well informed about their relatives' care.

We looked at the feedback provided by people who used the service and found that the comments were positive about the care they received.

We saw that people's care plans were detailed and were written with the person receiving the care in mind. We found evidence that staff were trained to meet the needs of people who used the service and that staff were supported in their roles by supervision and appraisals.

16 August 2011

During a routine inspection

People and relatives told us they were involved in decisions about their care and support. They told us they had been able to talk about the care and support they needed before a care package was arranged.

People said that their privacy and dignity was respected at all times and that staff were considerate when providing their care.

A relative said 'I know I can rely on the regular carers to look after my relative properly. I have no concerns and feel my relative is in safe hands.'

One person told us that the staff were professional and provided good quality care. One person using the service told us they were very happy with the care they received and said that thanks to the staff their life had been made much easier.

People told us that they were happy with the staff's standard of hygiene and cleaning and that staff used disposable gloves and aprons when undertaking personal care. We were told that staff had the skills and experience to meet their care needs and that they were kind and caring.

People were positive about the staff who worked in the service. They said that staff were helpful, kind and knowledgeable and knew how to help them. We were told that people using the service were sent a questionnaire to complete which asked if they were happy with their care.