• Care Home
  • Care home

Cadbury Hall Care Home

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

High Street, Yatton, Bristol, BS49 4DW (01934) 833073

Provided and run by:
Barchester Healthcare Homes Limited

Report from 24 November 2023 assessment

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Updated 5 January 2024

Improvements in fire safety had been made since our last inspection so that people would be protected in the event of an emergency. There were sufficient staff available to support people safely and meet their needs. Risk assessments were used to guide staff in providing safe care and support. People received safe care in relation to medicines.

This service scored 66 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.

Learning culture

Score: 2

We did not look at Learning culture during this assessment. The score for this quality statement is based on the previous rating for Safe.

Safe systems, pathways and transitions

Score: 2

We did not look at Safe systems, pathways and transitions during this assessment. The score for this quality statement is based on the previous rating for Safe.


Score: 3

There were processes to support staff in reporting concerns to the relevant safeguarding authority when required. This included having safeguarding and whistleblowing policies for staff to refer to. Staff received training in safeguarding adults to ensure they had the knowledge to keep people safe.

Staff told us they knew what to do if they were concerned about abuse. They knew where to find relevant policies and felt confident and able to report any worries.

People told us they felt safe and would be able to speak to staff or the manager if they were worried or concerned. Comments from relatives included, “I never have a bad word to say about them, he is safe”, and “I can’t praise it enough, staff handle him well, they accept the challenge of looking after a person with dementia”.

Involving people to manage risks

Score: 3

We observed that people were safe and treated well by staff.

There were risk assessments in place for various aspects of people's care such as the risks of pressure damage to the skin and hazards such as the risk of choking. Staff reviewed these regularly and updated them as necessary.

Staff were aware of risks associated with people’s care and knew how to support people safely. Staff had received training to enable them to provide safe care. This included training in moving and handling for example and first aid.

People and their relatives told us they were involved in care planning and were consulted on their views. Care plans and risk assessments were available for people to view. Comments included, "I was involved with her care plan, and it has been reviewed after 6 months”, and “I was involved with the care plan“

Safe environments

Score: 3

People felt the environment was safe. One person commented on how they had regular fire drills.

Staff told us about the improvements in fire safety that had been made since our last inspection. We spoke with the member of staff responsible for maintenance.

There were audits and checks taking place to ensure the environment was safe. Fire drills were held so that staff were prepared to support people in the event of an emergency. Environmental audits took place to check for areas requiring improvement. People had personalised evacuation plans in place so that staff knew how they needed to be supported to safely evacuate the building.

The environment of the home was safe and suitable for people living there.

Safe and effective staffing

Score: 3

Improvements had been made to staffing levels since our last inspection.

We saw that there were sufficient staff available to meet people’s needs and ensure they were safe.

The service had systems to recruit staff safely. This included gathering references and undertaking a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check. The DBS check identifies any convictions a person has or whether they are barred from working with vulnerable adults.

People gave mixed feedback about staffing levels. Some people felt there were times where staff were rushed and also occasions when they had to wait 10-15 minutes for support when they pressed their call bell. Comments included, “I would sometimes say that they are a bit short staffed, not particularly at the weekends, sometimes if I ring the call bell, the carer says that they are busy at the moment, but will come back to me”, and “she says that when she rings the bell, they mostly come quickly”. Although feedback was mixed, people said that staff looked in on them when call bells were pressed to check on them and tell them they would be back as soon as possible.

Infection prevention and control

Score: 2

We did not look at Infection prevention and control during this assessment. The score for this quality statement is based on the previous rating for Safe.

Medicines optimisation

Score: 3

Medicines audits took place to identify any areas for improvement. We reviewed the latest 2 completed audits. Competency checks were completed for staff responsible for adminstering medicines.

People told us that staff supported them with medicines

Staff were aware of the actions to take whern there were particular considerations with people's medication. For example, the action required after a fall when a person was taking anticoagulants. Staff were able to describe the action they had taken when a person's medicines had run out. This included speaking with medical professionals for advice.