• Care Home
  • Care home

Archived: Bridge Reach Residential Home

3 Tern Crescent, Strood, Rochester, Kent, ME2 2RE (01634) 318283

Provided and run by:
Mr H and Mrs K Scott-Telford

All Inspections

17 February 2014

During a routine inspection

The inspection was carried out by two Inspectors over three and a half hours. During this time we viewed all areas of the home; talked with all people living in the home; and talked with the registered manager and other staff.

People gave us positive comments such as, "I'm happy living here with my friends'.

We found that people felt that their privacy and dignity were respected and they were encouraged to retain their independence with things they could do for themselves.

The support plans demonstrated that reliable procedures were in place for managing people's health and personal care.

People were supported to engage in activities in the home and in the local community.

The home was clean in all areas.

The provider was undertaking modernisation work in the bathroom and toilet area, this included replacement of the bath, sink and floor covering, this work was not yet completed but the area was functional.

Staff had received appropriate professional development. Mandatory and specialised training for staff were not up to date. Staff received regular supervision and annual appraisals were being carried out.

People's views were listened to, and were taken into account in the ongoing management and monitoring of the home's progress. The home had established procedures in place for reviewing people's care and support needs at regular intervals.

We saw that the home had a complaints policy and procedure and an easy to read complaints guide.

14 January 2013

During a routine inspection

The provider told us they carefully assessed the care and support needs of people living in the home. All the people, their relatives, representatives and health care professionals, where necessary, were involved in this process.

We observed that care and support were delivered with warmth, kindness and dedication. We saw that relationships between the providers and the people who lived in the home were cordial, and personal support was provided in a way that promoted and protected their privacy and dignity.

We saw that the home was clean and tidy, and there were records to show that regular cleaning was carried out. The standard of the accommodation, d'cor and furniture were good and provided a comfortable place to live in.

From our inspection of records we found that medicines were managed safely and effectively.

The providers showed competence and had the training, skills and experience to meet the specific conditions of the people who lived in the home.

People told us this was a lovely place to live and that they were well supported by the provider. One person said, 'I have been here for several years and I am always very well supported'. Another person said, "I like it here. I am able to tell staff what I want to do'.

There were effective recruitment and selection processes in place.

People were protected from the risks of unsafe or inappropriate care and treatment because accurate and appropriate records were maintained.

13 January 2012

During a routine inspection

We met all three of the people who were living in the home, and were able to have short conversations with them.

We saw that they were smiling, relaxed and generally cheerful, and all said that they liked living in the home.

Comments included:

'I like living here. I am going out to work soon. We get on well together, and the staff are nice. I like going out to clubs and I like my job. I have a nice room.'

'I am happy living here. I am going out to a club. I will probably play pool there. The staff are good. We have days out together sometimes. We take it in turns to cook. I don't mind doing that.'

'I like living here. I think I am staying in today as I am not very well. '