Archived: Springfields Residential Home and Community Care

Springfields, Bridestowe, Okehampton, Devon, EX20 4ER (01837) 861430

Provided and run by:
Mr & Mrs Byrne

All Inspections

During an inspection looking at part of the service

We did not speak to anyone using this service. The provider sent us a satisfactory improvement plan and training matrix that tells us that awareness of safeguarding issues has been improved through additional training for staff. Additionally, the homes safeguarding policy was reviewed on 6 January 2012.

29 December 2011

During an inspection in response to concerns

On the day of our visit there were 25 permanent and four respite people residing at Springfields. We spoke with eight people who lived at Springfields. Overall they told us that they were very happy with the care and support they received and the staff were polite and easy to communicate with. Comments included:

'Staff are very helpful.'

'I feel safe here and staff respond promptly to my needs.'

'I am content here, staff are nice.'

'I can maintain my independence as much as possible.'

'I feel really supported and involved in my care.'

'Staff are nice and they support me.'

People commented that they were fully involved and supported to make decisions about their care. For example, plans of care were reviewed with people living at Springfields involved and their needs and wishes were taken into account. People said that they were encouraged to maintain their independence and felt fully involved in their care.

We were told that staff supported people appropriately with daily living tasks, including personal care and meeting nutritional needs. During our visit, we observed staff supportively assisting people to meet their personal needs, such as transferring from one area of the home to another with the use of a walking frame.

People we saw and spoke with confirmed that they felt safe and supported by staff at Springfields and had no concerns of their ability to respond to safeguarding concerns. They felt that their human rights were upheld and respected by staff.

People we spoke to said that staff were supportive and helpful. Staff knew how to respond to specific health and social care needs and were observed to be competent with such. Staff were able to speak confidently about the care practices they delivered and understood how they contributed to people's health and wellbeing.

People we spoke with confirmed that Springfields sought their views about the quality of the service they received and that this information was sought by questionnaires and the gathering of further evidence. For example, questionnaires were sourced from people using the service, family members/advocates, staff and other professionals. We were able to see that where improvements were needed they were followed up by the home.