• Care Home
  • Care home

Archived: Dorton College of Further Education

Seal Drive, Seal, Sevenoaks, Kent, TN15 0AH (01732) 592500

Provided and run by:
The Royal Society for Blind Children

All Inspections

18 March 2013

During a routine inspection

There were 14 people living at the service at the time of our inspection. They were referred to as students and therefore we have used this term in our report. We were unable to speak with students during this visit as they were out at college. We were able to gather feedback about their experiences through records of meetings they had held with their keyworker. Students had also completed their own reflective diary each day about their wellbeing and their support, which provided feedback about their views of their care.

Students were encouraged to be involved in writing their own care plan. There were a range of communication tools available to help them do this including computers, Braille and pictures. Students had regular opportunities to have a say about how the service was run through weekly meetings.

Students received the care they needed and were given support to develop their independence and learn new skills. There was an effective system in place for helping people to plan the support they would need once they left college. Students were protected against the risks of harm and abuse in the service. They were supported to lead healthy lifestyles.

The staff that supported the students were supported in their roles and received training to help them to care for students in a safe way. There were effective systems in place for checking the quality and safety of the service and where things needed to be improved these were put right quickly.