• Care Home
  • Care home

Archived: Bethel Care Home

41 Tennyson Way, Hornchurch, Essex, RM12 4BU (01708) 475300

Provided and run by:
Mrs Mary Afolabi

All Inspections

30 September 2014

During a routine inspection

A single inspector carried out this inspection. The focus of the inspection was to answer five key questions; is the service safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led?

As part of this inspection we spoke with the two people who used the service and the Registered Manager. Below is a summary of what we found. The summary describes what people using the service and the staff told us, what we observed during the visit and what we saw in the records we looked at.

Is the service safe?

The provider had undertaken appropriate checks on staff employed to care for people at the home. Actions set out to manage risks identified in people's care plans and reviews, where these took place, were not being implemented. It was not clear from the information we reviewed how people or their representatives had been involved in drawing up care plans. There was some confusion about people's medical needs and health professions were not being informed about non-compliance with medicines. There were no procedures in place to ensure fire alarm systems were regularly tested.

Is the service effective?

Information about how people's needs had originally been assessed was not available on the day of our visit. Care plans set out people's needs and provided clear information for staff about how to care for people. Actions identified at care review meetings were not always implemented.

Is the service caring?

People were supported by kind staff who they liked. Staff understood how people communicated and sought to ensure that people had opportunities to get out and about. Staff ensured people were comfortable and were provided fresh well balanced meals which included foods that people liked.

Is the service responsive?

There was no evidence to show that people, their relatives or other professionals were invited to comment on the care provided at the home or how any feedback was responded to.

Is the service well lead?

The management of the home was unsure of aspects of the care being provided to people at the home. There were no mechanisms in place to audit the safety and effectiveness of the care provided.

2 July 2013

During a routine inspection

Two people were using the service when we visited. One told us 'I love living here and the staff are fantastic.' We found that people's individual needs had been assessed and from this a support plan had been developed. Records showed that people's progress was regularly monitored. People told us that they were asked to consent to the support provided. They said that staff respected their privacy and the choices they made. When people did not have the mental capacity to make a decision the service had ensured that a 'best interests' meeting had been held. We found that the provider had taken steps to prevent abuse and to keep people safe when they were out in the community. We confirmed that staff were trained for their role and received supervision and support. We checked the premises and found it was clean, comfortable and safe.

16 October 2012

During an inspection looking at part of the service

We spoke with one of the two people who use the service but due to the degree of their learning disability and communication difficulties they were not able to give us any feedback about the service. We contacted people's relatives and care managers for feedback about the service provided. People told us that they were satisfied with the service provided. A relative said 'I am happy with the situation at the home. It's stable and X is safe in that environment. A care manager said 'the care is adequate and my client and their family are happy with the placement.'

Since the last inspection systems had been put in place to monitor the quality of the service and records had been reorganised and updated. Staff had received training and supervision to enable them to meet the needs of people who use the service.

12 July 2012

During an inspection in response to concerns

During the course of our inspection we met the three people who used the service. All three people were dressed in their own clothes and the home was clean. One person went to a day service shortly after we arrived and the other two went out with staff to do some shopping for their forthcoming holiday. We saw that one person had chosen to get up late and was encouraged to have something to eat and drink before they went out. This person told us about what they had been doing, about going to college and talking to their friends and family on facebook. The person indicated that they were happy at Bethel Care Home.

26 January 2012

During a routine inspection

During the course of the inspection we met and spent time with all of the people who use the service. Due to the degree of their learning disability and communication problems most were only able to give us very limited feedback about the service. However one person was able to tell us about the service. We saw that staff interacted well with people and people seemed happy and relaxed in their company. We also saw staff treated them with respect.

We were able to speak to one relative who said that she was no longer able to visit the service but staff brought her son home to visit her each month. She told us her son was unable to tell her what it was like living at the home but he seemed happy. We also spoke to two members of staff. One said, 'People are very happy. It's homely and they all get along like a family. People are very safe here and it's their home.' The other said, 'It's good the way people are treated. The food is good and the clothing is good. They go out a lot.'

A person who uses the service told us, 'It's fantastic here. The staff are nice and they take me out for treats. They help me with shopping. They are the kindest staff ever. They always listen to you if you are down and need someone to talk to. I am independent and am allowed to do things and make decisions. Pastor Mary, (the manager/proprietor) treats us as equals in this place. I think the others are happy. It's a loving family here.'