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  • Homecare service

Archived: Inclusion Care Limited

1-2 Welland Court, Brockeridge Park, Twyning, Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire, GL20 6FD (01684) 857520

Provided and run by:
Inclusion Care Ltd

All Inspections

8, 10, 14 October 2013

During a routine inspection

People were supported either in their own homes or in shared accommodation. We visited two services providing shared accommodation. We spoke with six people using these services and observed the care being provided to them. We spoke with two relatives and eight members of staff. A relative told us, "I am kept informed and involved". A person told us they were happy and liked shopping and going out.

We observed people being treated respectfully and sensitively. People were supported to be independent. A relative said, "They teach independence in routines, a small thing at a time".

People's care records were personalised and reflected their individual needs. Information was produced in easy read formats using pictures, photographs and plain English.

A relative said they believed that people were safe and protected from harm. We found systems in place to safeguard people from the risk of abuse. Staff had a good understanding of people's needs and how to support them when anxious or upset. They told us distraction and diversion strategies were effective.

Relatives told us that staff understood the needs of people using the service and said the support was "excellent". Staff confirmed they had access to a range of training to provide them with the knowledge and skills to meet people's needs.

People's records were kept up to date and could be located promptly. They were stored securely ensuring they remained confidential.

3 October 2012

During a routine inspection

We used a number of different methods to help us understand the experiences of people using the service, because people had complex needs which meant they were not able to tell us their experiences. We spoke with staff supporting people and reviewed people's care records and the complaints log. Staff told us people had busy lives and were supported in activities both at home and in the community. One member of staff said, "we care alot about what happens to them". People's care and support needs were assessed. Their likes, dislikes, wishes and aspirations were reflected in their care plans. Easy read plans were in place. Staff spoken with had a good understanding of people's needs.

We found that medication administration was monitored closely and any errors reported and investigated. Staff had access to training and they were observed administering medication. Staff told us they had access to a robust and comprehensive training programme. A number of staff were due to have refresher training and a schedule was in place to deliver this.

People were provided with information about how to make a complaint. Complaints forms were produced in accessible formats such as easy read. We found that Inclusion Care Limited was meeting all the standards we inspected.