Archived: Dunraven Lodge

8-10 Bourne Avenue, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP1 1LP (01722) 328804

Provided and run by:
Mrs Brigid O'Connor and Mrs Eileen O'Connor-Marsh

Important: The provider of this service changed. See new profile

All Inspections

22 November 2011

During a routine inspection

People told us they liked living in the home. One person said 'I like it here, it's very nice'. People told us they were able to spend their time as they chose. A person said 'I do exactly as I want to, as far as I'm concerned'. People described the support given to them by the staff, one person saying 'staff give you help when you need it'. We observed staff treated people in a non-judgemental way and this was reflected in people's records. People said they felt safe in the home. Staff we met with were aware of how to support people where they could be at risk of abuse. Staff said they were supported in their role, one member of staff telling us that their supervisors 'listen to you about your job'. The home has put much work into addressing improvements which were identified at our previous review. This included discussing improvements needed with people living there, as well as staff.

The home needed to take action on a range of areas after we last visited and there remain some areas which need to be addressed. Further development of care plans and reviews were needed, including discussion with people living in the home, to ensure that information held verbally was also written down. Not all staff were taking on individual responsibility for reporting of matters in the home environment which could present risk to people, so that they were rectified in a timely manner.

15 June 2011

During an inspection in response to concerns

People told us that staff were polite and friendly and treated them with respect. One person however, said a particular staff member 'shouts and swears.' Another person said staff were a 'bit rough.' Three people told us that some of the staff could be bossy. In response to these issues, the providers told us that people with mental health issues required a structured routine. Due to this, they said that people might have misinterpreted being 'bossy' with being firm. They said they worked with staff on a day to day basis and had never heard a staff member 'shout and swear.' They did not believe it was an accurate portrayal of the staff member although confirmed such behaviour from staff would not be tolerated.

People told us that they could make choices about their daily routines. Some people said they went out independently when they wanted to. They said they could go to bed when they were ready although they were woken in the morning at about 7.30am. Some people said they were unable to have a 'lie in' although the provider and staff disagreed with this. They said it was the person's choice when they wanted to get up. One person told us they felt 'programmed' to do things such as swimming and having to sit in the same place at meal times.

People told us they were able to give their opinions about the running of the home. They attended house meetings so they could do this more formally. One person told us about the rules of the home. They said these included no violence, no smoking in the house and no going into other people's bedrooms. One person spoke of the consequences of doing this. They said the provider ran a tight ship and would not have any 'messing.'

People told us they were very happy with their bedroom. They said they had everything they needed. People told us that the temperature of the home was satisfactory. One person told us that staff would turn the heating up, if they were cold. People said they could have a key to their bedroom if they wanted one. People had generally declined this offer yet said their privacy was not compromised, as a result. People told us that any repairs to the environment were made quickly, without delay.