• Care Home
  • Care home

Archived: L'Arche Lambeth The Dove

36 South Croxted Road, London, SE21 8BB (020) 8761 4143

Provided and run by:

All Inspections

19 February 2014

During a routine inspection

The service facilitated positive risk management so that people using the service were able to make choices in their daily lives. There was information about each person's ability to make choices and when to consider involving other people in discussions about decisions made in the person's best interests.

Care plans included details of the way people preferred to be supported and the things they liked to do. People's cultural identity was recognised and there was a plan for how cultural needs should be met. People's health needs were met.

There were systems in place to protect people from the risks associated with the administration of medicines.

Staff were supported through regular meetings with their manager. There were opportunities for training.

People using the service and staff were able to contribute to suggestions for running the service. There was evidence that learning from incidents took place and appropriate changes were implemented.

21 December 2012

During a routine inspection

We met all four people living at the home and all appeared to be happy and comfortable with the staff and their surroundings. One person told us that they felt safe and they liked living there. They told us that they enjoyed the special movie nights when they watched their favourite films.

We found that the people who were using the service were being given good support by staff to understand their care options and to communicate the choices they had made. The people who were using the service were respected and were being supported to pursue lifestyles of their choosing, with opportunities to develop their independence and be part of the local community.

There were appropriate arrangements in place to ensure the care and welfare of each person using the service. Each person had a set of individual plans and records detailing their care, support and healthcare needs and any risks that staff needed to be aware of.

Staff understood how to protect people from abuse and what action they should take if they suspected any form of abuse was happening. They had been trained to meet the specific needs of the people using the service.

The provider had a good quality assurance system in place. There were many opportunities for people who use the service to contribute their views and ideas to the running of the L'Arche Lambeth community of homes.