• Residential substance misuse service

Archived: Manon House

2 Carlton Road, South Croydon, Surrey, CR2 0BP (020) 8688 0042

Provided and run by:
C Shunmoogum

All Inspections

16 September 2013

During a routine inspection

On the day we visited there were two people living in the home. We spoke to both who expressed complimentary comments about the service such as "my privacy is respected" and "I am well looked after and the staff are good."

We saw examples of information provided and records of the two people who used the service which were accurate and up to date. People told us that they had been involved in discussions about their care and support needs.

The premises had a number of communal areas including two sitting rooms, a dining room and large garden. One person who used the service told us that "they enjoyed feeding the fish in the pond."

We saw that staff spoke to people in a kind and courteous manner addressing them politely and using their preferred names. We observed positive interactions between staff and people who used the service.

We spoke to people about the quality of the food and service. One person told us "the food is good and my preferences are met." Another said that "I enjoy cooking."

Staff were aware of the safeguarding policy and could give examples of what would constitute abuse. Two members of staff we spoke to knew the procedures to follow if abuse was alleged or suspected. One person who used the service told us "I have confidence in the staff."

We spoke to a member of staff who told us that "they felt well supported and enjoyed their work." We reviewed staff files and saw records of an appraisal dated July 2013 and regular supervision.

10 October 2012

During a routine inspection

When we visited there were two people living in the home. We spoke with both of them and they were happy with the care and support that they were getting particularly from the staff. Comments included, 'staff are good' and 'I like it here'.

People told us they were given opportunities to express their choices and to make decisions in their daily lives. They were supported in promoting their independence and community involvement. People said they were well supported by staff.

Comments from people using the service were generally positive, indicating that staff were kind and helpful in meeting their care needs.

21 July 2011

During an inspection in response to concerns

We spoke to all three people who were living at Manon House at the time of our visit and all of them gave us positive feedback about the home and the staff. One person described the staff as, 'good, caring staff'.

People we spoke to told us they were happy with the way they were cared for and felt safe, however some people told us that they would like to be more involved and do some of the cooking.

They also told us they were happy with their rooms and were clear about their medication arrangements.

Comments included,

'Nice place',

'Like it here a lot'.