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  • Care home

Archived: HF Trust - 7 Waterloo Road

7 Waterloo Road, Bidford-on-Avon, Alcester, Warwickshire, B50 4JP (01789) 772141

Provided and run by:
HF Trust Limited

All Inspections

27 August 2013

During a routine inspection

The people who used the service had complex needs which meant they were not all able to tell us in detail about their experiences. Therefore we observed care practice and staff's interaction with people when they delivered their care. We spoke with three people who used the service, the provider's area manager, one of the registered service managers and three members of support staff delivering care. We read the care records for four people who used the service.

During our visit we saw people enjoyed a variety of activities. One person was supported by staff to blow bubbles in the garden. Another person was supported to do some gardening activities. Other people were getting ready to go out to a disco that evening.

During our visit we observed that the support staff were polite and asked people's permission before they helped them to do things. We saw people having their lunch, where they were supported appropriately and enjoyed their meal.

We saw that people's care was planned according to their needs. We found that staff understood people's needs and followed people's care plans when they supported them.

We found the provider had taken appropriate steps to check that staff were suitable to work with vulnerable people who used their service.

The provider had a system for monitoring the quality of the service, which included regular audits. The provider responded to people's feedback and took actions to improve the quality of the service.

12 December 2012

During a routine inspection

HF Trust - 7 Waterloo Road was made up of Gaston House, Dolphin House and a bungalow called Orchard View. There was also a resource centre at the location.

The people who lived at the home had complex needs which meant they were not able to tell us in detail about their experiences. Therefore we observed care practice and staff's interaction with people when they delivered their care. We spoke with three relatives, two members of staff delivering care, one of the registered service managers and the organisation's area manager. We read the care records for two people who lived at the home.

There was a domiciliary care agency which operated from the resource centre. We met the registered manager of the care agency and we read the care records for two people who used the service. We spoke over the telephone with two people who used the agency service about their experiences of the service. We also spoke with two members of staff who delivered care to people.

On the day of our visit, people who lived at the home engaged in different activities throughout the day. For example two people went to college. Some people attended sessions at the resource centre, including a craft session.

We spoke with a relative who told us that they could not imagine their family member getting better care elsewhere. They told us that the staff 'put in so much time and effort and thought'.