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Archived: Loriner Place

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

49 Loriner Place, Downs Barn, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, MK14 7PU (01908) 201985

Provided and run by:
The Fremantle Trust

All Inspections

6 November 2017

During a routine inspection

This inspection took place on 6 November and was unannounced.

Loriner Place provides accommodation and personal care for up to seven people with learning disabilities.

At the time of our inspection the provider confirmed they were providing care to six people.

At the last inspection in October 2015, the service was rated Good. At this inspection we found that the service remained Good.

There was a registered manager in post. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are 'registered persons'. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.

Staff had an understanding of abuse and the safeguarding procedures that should be followed to report abuse and risk assessments were in place to manage risk within a person’s life.

The staff recruitment procedures ensured that appropriate pre-employment checks were carried out to ensure only suitable staff worked at the service. Adequate staffing levels were in place.

Staff induction training and on-going training was provided to ensure they had the skills, knowledge and support they needed to perform their roles.

Staff were well supported by the registered manager and senior team, and had regular one to one


People's consent was gained before any care was provided.

Staff treated people with kindness, dignity and respect and spent time getting to know them and their specific needs and wishes.

People were involved in their own care planning and were able to contribute to the way in which they were supported.

The provider had systems in place to monitor the quality of the service as and when it developed and had a process in place which ensured people could raise any complaints or concerns.

13 October 2015

During a routine inspection

This inspection took place 13 October and was unannounced.

This inspection was carried out by two inspectors.

49 Loriner Place is registered to provide care for up to seven people with learning disabilities. On the day of our inspection seven people were using the service.

There was a registered manager in post. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.

People felt safe. Staff had received training to enable them to recognise signs and symptoms of abuse and how to report them.

People had risk assessments in place to enable them to be as independent as they could be.

There were sufficient staff, with the correct skill mix, on duty to support people with their needs.

Effective recruitment processes were in place and followed by the service.

Medicines were managed safely and the processes in place ensured that the administration and handling of medicines was suitable for the people who used the service.

Staff received a comprehensive induction process and ongoing training. They were very well supported by the registered manager and had regular one to one time for supervisions.

Staff had attended a variety of training to ensure they were able to provide care based on current practice when supporting people.

Staff always gained consent before supporting people.

People were supported to make decisions about all aspects of their life; this was underpinned by the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards. Staff were very knowledgeable of this guidance and correct processes were in place to protect people.

People were able to make choices about the food and drink they had, and staff gave support when required.

People were supported to access a variety of health professional when required, including dentist, opticians and doctors.

Staff provided care and support in a caring and meaningful way. They knew the people who used the service well.

People and relatives where appropriate, were involved in the planning of their care and support.

People’s privacy and dignity was maintained at all times.

People were supported to follow their interests.

A complaints procedure was in place and accessible to all. People knew how to complain.

Effective quality monitoring systems were in place. A variety of audits were carried out and used to drive improvement.

12 November 2013

During a routine inspection

We spoke with two people during our inspection; both told us they were well cared for at Loriner Place and the staff knew the care they needed and how they wished to be supported. One person said 'I am very well looked after here' and another person said 'the staff are kind and I feel safe; we have friends here and we are like a family'.

Both of the people we spoke with told us they had a good social life for example they had recently had a Halloween party and on another occasion had gone to a ball.

People also told us they were supported to maintain links with their families and friends and had made plans to visit them over Christmas. Both people told us they were supported to participate in domestic activities such as menu planning, cooking and cleaning and that they worked within the voluntary sector during the week.

Both of the people we spoke with told us that they were involved in planning the menus and that the food was good and they had enough to eat and drink. One person said 'the food is nice here; we take it turns to choose what we want on the menu'. Both told us that they enjoyed going shopping and being involved in the preparation of meals.

People told us they were comfortable living at Loriner Place. One person told us 'I have my own room which is nice and I like to keep it clean and tidy, I'm very comfortable living here'.

4 March 2013

During a routine inspection

We spoke with all seven of the people who lived at Loriner Place and observed aspects of their care during our inspection.

People told us staff involved them in decisions about their care and explained their care needs to them before providing any personal care and support. All of the people that we spoke with told us they were well looked after at Loriner Place and that the staff knew how they needed and wished to be supported. They also told us that the staff supported them to take their medication safely.

We saw that routines in the home were flexible and that people were able to choose how and where to spend their time. People told us they were able to participate in light domestic tasks and enjoyed a variety of recreational activities available within the local community.

All of the people we spoke with told us that they were happy living at Loriner Place, they told us the staff were respectful towards them, that the staff had the right skills to care for them and that there were enough staff to support them. All of the people that we spoke with told us that they knew how to make a complaint should they need to do so.

All of the people we spoke with told us that they felt safe living at Loriner Place one person said 'we all get on well; we are like a family here'.

1 December 2011

During a routine inspection

People told us that they chose the menus for the week. We were shown picture cards to help people make selections and to stick on the menu board. People said they are involved in cooking and making drinks for themselves. They told us they knew who was going to be on duty because there was a board with staff photographs on the office door.

People told us they take part in different activities, household chores and voluntary work. They said they go out to local clubs such as the 64 Club where they meet up with their friends. One person told us she had been asked about her care plan and had contributed to it. She told us she is always invited to her reviews and asked about her views.

People said they had seen the service users' guide and that residents' meetings take place. One person said to us ''I love it here with my friends''.

One person told us that staff supported her with her medication, which was kept in her room. She said she was happy for staff to administer her medicines.

People we spoke with said they were happy living at the service. One told us ''I have no worries here''. One person said she would talk to staff if there were any concerns and ''they'd help me out''. Another said she would talk to her key worker or the manager. One person told us that staff looked after her money and that she was happy with this arrangement.

One person said ''I get on well with staff''. Another told us ''staff are nice''. Staff that we spoke with said they receive regular supervision and that staff meetings take place. They said they receive an annual appraisal. Staff we spoke with said there was good teamwork at the service and that training was kept up to date. They said the service was fully staffed and that there were relief staff to help cover the rota if needed.