• Hospital
  • Independent hospital

Archived: Re-Enhance Skin and Body Clinic

Progress House, 17 Cecil Road, Hale, Altrincham, Cheshire, WA15 9NZ (0161) 941 3212

Provided and run by:
Mere Medical Limited

All Inspections

14 June 2013

During a routine inspection

We visited the Re Enhance skin and body clinic and found it to be clean warm and inviting. There were information leaflets in reception for people to read and on display were staff certificates on the walls.

We spoke with one patient who was complementary about the care they received. They told us 'The staff go through my care at every appointment they always ask permission and I sign a consent form'.

We spoke with two members of staff. They were able to tell us the signs of abuse. One staff member we spoke was able to confirm appropriate actions to take if they suspected abuse.

We saw there was personal protective equipment available for staff to use, for example, gloves, aprons and protective eye wear. The patient we spoke with confirmed they saw staff washed their hands and wore gloves and aprons when carrying out any activity with them.

The one patient we spoke with was complementary about the staff. Comments received were 'The staff are confident; they know what they are doing'.

The staff we spoke with were complementary about the manager. One person said 'The manager is good, I feel able to go to him to raise concerns and it would be sorted'.

11 September 2012

During a routine inspection

During the inspection we sampled 6 treatment records. We found that prior to commencement of any treatment programme; the nature of that treatment had been fully explained. It was clear that the expectations of clients had been fully discussed.

Treatments were undertaken in a clean and modern environment which ensured the confidentiality and privacy of clients.

Clients we spoke with told us: 'I have been coming here for 3 years, I am obviously very happy with the treatments here' and 'I have always found everyone very helpful and have no concerns at all'.

Clinical governance meetings and infection control meetings were held on a regular basis. A medical advisory committee was well established and minutes demonstrated that the quality of the service and day to day issues were appropriately managed.