Archived: South District Home Support

South and West Area Office, Brearcliffe Drive, Wibsey, Bradford, West Yorkshire, BD6 2LE (01274) 435400

Provided and run by:
City of Bradford Metropolitan District Council

All Inspections

10 March 2011

During a routine inspection

We spoke to three people who use the service and they told us that staff are very friendly, helpful and listen to any requests that are made.

One person told us that care staff used to prepare her meals after she was discharged from hospital, but is now more independent and her care package has been changed to reflect this.

People who use the service told us that they are kept involved in the care planning process.

People who use the service told us that they were very satisfied with the care they received. They also told us that staff were nice, friendly and responded well to any requests that were made.

Two people told us that their care plans had been reviewed within the last year.

One person who uses the service told us that care staff prepare meals for him and are fully aware of his likes and dislikes.

People who use the service told us they did not have any concerns about the care they receive. They also told us that if they had any concerns they would speak to the home manager.

People who use the service told us they have been provided with contact details and telephone numbers if they need to contact the provider.

People who use the service told us that care staff are very polite and listen to any requests that are made. They also told us that they were satisfied with the care they were receiving.

People who use the service told us they did not have any concerns about the care they receive.

One person told us that she had raised a complaint approximately two years ago, because care staff were not cleaning her commode properly. She told us that this was resolved and she has had no concerns since then.