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  • Care home

Archived: 129 London Road, Redhill (Active Prospects)

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

129 London Road, Redhill, Surrey, RH1 2JQ (01737) 785400

Provided and run by:
Active Prospects

All Inspections

25 May 2016

During a routine inspection

129 London Road is owned by Prospect Housing and Support Services. It provides accommodation for five adults with learning disabilities. At the time of the inspection five adults were resident at the service. Whilst some people were unable to take part in full discussions, we were able to speak with people and observe how they interacted with staff.

There was a registered manager in post. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are 'registered persons'. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.

The inspection took place on 25 May 2016 and was unannounced.

The service had sufficient staff on duty to meet the needs of the people who used the service. The provider had carried out appropriate recruitment checks to ensure staff were suitable to support people in the home. Staff received a comprehensive induction and ongoing training, tailored to the needs of the people they supported.

Risks of harm to people had been identified and clear plans and guidelines were in place to minimise these risks. Staff understood their duty should they suspect abuse was taking place, including the agencies that needed to be notified, such as the local authority safeguarding team or the police. Medicines management was good and people received their medicines when they needed them.

Staff managed medicines in a safe way and were trained in the safe administration of medicines.

In the event of an emergency people would be protected because there were clear procedures in place to evacuate the building, in a format people could understand. Each person had a plan which detailed the support they needed to get safely out of the building in an emergency.

Where people did not have the capacity to understand or consent to a decision the provider had followed the requirements of the Mental Capacity Act (2005). An appropriate assessment of people's ability to make decisions for themselves had been completed. Staff asked people for their permission before they provided care. Where people's liberty may be restricted to keep them safe, the provider had followed the requirements of the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) to ensure the person's rights were protected.

People had a good choice of food and drink available to them. People received support from staff who were confident and trained appropriately. Staff told us they felt supported and had access to the training they needed. People’s health was maintained and they were able to attend healthcare appointments if needed.

The staff were kind and caring and treated people with dignity and respect. Good interactions were seen throughout the day of our inspection with lots of laughing and joking between people and staff.

People looked relaxed and happy with the staff and relatives were able to visit at any time they wanted.

Care plans were complied with people’s involvement and were based around their individual preferences. Care plans gave a good level of detail for staff to reference if they needed to know what support was required..

People had access to a range of activities that met their needs. Some activities were based in the local community giving people access to friends and meeting new people.

A complaint policy was available to help people and relatives know how to make a complaint if they wished. We looked at the complaints log and saw none had been made. The registered manager told us that if a complaint was raised they would take action.

Quality assurance records were kept up to date to show that the provider had checked on important aspects of the management of the home. Records for checks on health and safety, infection control, and internal medicines audits were all up to date. Accident and incident records were kept, and would be analysed and used to improve the care provided to people should they happen.

People had the opportunity to be involved in how the home was managed and were supported to have some input in house meetings to give people a chance to have their say.

24 September 2013

During a routine inspection

During our visit we met and spoke with three people who used the service about the service they received. We also spoke with the service manager, registered manager and two care staff.

Our observations of staff practice showed that people were receiving effective, safe and appropriate care, which was designed to meet their specific needs. We saw that people felt comfortable in approaching staff and asking for assistance. People were relaxed and content in their surroundings. Staff engaged positively with people using the service to encourage them to communicate their consent, wishes and choices.

Three people we spoke with told us that they were happy with the care and support they received. One person told us, "I am happy living here." Another person said, "I like it here and staff are nice."

People told us that staff treated them with respect and promoted their privacy. They told us they felt they would be listened to if they raised any concerns. People told us that staff supported them to visit friends and families.

Staff told us that they had received regular training and that they felt confident to carry out their roles and meet the needs of people using the service.

Representatives we spoke with told us they were satisfied with the care that their relatives received.

We found that the provider had a system in place to monitor the quality of the service they provided and we found that people were generally satisfied with the care and treatment they received

19 March 2013

During a routine inspection

People who used this service received a good quality of support. People were encouraged to express their views and lived their lives as they wished. We saw that care plans were person centred and reflected each person's needs and preferences. We saw that people had full and varied social lives.

We found that staff were knowledgeable about people's support needs and treated people with respect.

People we spoke with told us that they were happy with their care and felt included in their support plans. One person told us they 'like it here'. Two people told us they we happy with their person centred plans.

Records we looked at showed complaints and concerns were listened to and acted upon.

Staff received ongoing training and supervision which provided them with the skills and knowledge to meet the needs of the people they were supporting.

People using the service were protected from abuse as they were supported by a staff team who had appropriate knowledge and training on safeguarding adults.

The Provider had effective systems in place to monitor and assess the quality of the service.

26 January 2012

During a routine inspection

Our inspection visit was undertaken between 10.30am and 4.00pm and was unannounced. This means that staff working at the location were not told beforehand that we would be visiting. All people who live at the service were involved in the review of the service through their feedback or our observations of their interactions at the service and with staff. We spoke with three carers (relatives) either on the day of our site visit or via telephone following our visit. We also consulted with four staff members. The site visit was facilitated in part by the operations manager, registered manager and the person in charge of the service on the day of our visit.

On the day of our site visit there were five people living at the service. People living at the service requested that they be referred to as residents in our report.

All residents we consulted told us how much they liked living at the service, especially the active social lives they had and how friendly and relaxed the service was. A resident said 'I like living here as I can do what I want'. Residents are actively involved in the running of their service and in making decisions about their support and the services practices. A staff member said 'preparing the meals is always a team event'.

A resident said 'I get my own privacy, no one comes in my bedroom without asking'. A carer told us how well the service encourages their relative to be as independent as possible and the progress made by their relative towards leading a more independent lifestyle. Residents told us that they liked their bedroom and that the service provided everything they needed. A carer told us that the best aspect of the service was the homely environment provided.

Residents and carers told us that they have been actively involved in the development and review of their individual care plans to help ensure that care plans were reflective of the individual needs and preferences of residents.

Carers told us that there is always enough staff on duty for their relatives to have the support they need. A carer said 'He loves living there he has a great life'. We observed close bonds between some staff and residents, which residents clearly enjoyed and who were clearly at east talking with staff. Carers spoke consistently about the positive influence the service has on their relatives lives and the high standard of support and care provided. Residents told us that staff know what to do to help them. Carers consistently told us that they have confidence in the skills of the staff team and of the provider to be able to support their relative.

A resident told us that if they had any concerns about the way they were being treated they could tell someone. Carers said they felt confident to raise any concerns they had with management and felt that any concerns would be dealt with promptly.

A resident told us of the support they have to maintain their specialist diet. Several residents told us how much they liked using local takeaways on 'takeaway night'.