Archived: Carewatch (South Midlands) Broughton Astley

72 Main Street, Broughton Astley, Leicester, Leicestershire, LE9 6RD (01455) 282600

Provided and run by:
Sundial C.S.R. Limited

All Inspections

7 March 2013

During an inspection looking at part of the service

We spoke with two people who use services they told us they were happy with service and felt they were treated with dignity and respect. One person told us they staff rotas were posted to them and know which staff members were coming to support them with times and dates. The second person told us they didn't always receive the staff rota and know who's coming to support them. One person told us: "I can't complain, I get on with all the staff. They are very good." People told us they two staff would always attend to them and felt the delivery of care was good. Staff always wore uniforms and used disposable aprons and gloves to maintain hygiene standards.

14 August 2012

During a themed inspection looking at Domiciliary Care Services

We carried out a themed inspection looking at Carewatch (South Midlands) Broughton Astley. The agency told us 23 people were receiving services. We asked people to tell us what it was like to receive services from this home care agency as part of a targeted inspection programme of domiciliary care agencies, with particular regard to how people's dignity was upheld and how they can make choices about their care.

The inspection team was led by a CQC inspector joined by an Expert by Experience, who has personal experience of using or caring for someone who uses this type of service. We used postal surveys, telephone interviews and home visit to people who use the service and to their main carers (a relative or friends) to gain views about the service. We visited three people in their own homes as part of this review and spoke with them and their relatives about their experiences of the care, treatment and support received. We spoke with 13 people who received a service from the agency, over the telephone. We spoke with one manager, and two care workers during our visit.

People understood their care, treatment and support choices available to them. They felt their views and experiences were taken into account. They told us care workers

recognised and respected their privacy dignity and independence. People felt supported to make decisions and care workers listened to them. People told us they felt safe and know how to raise a complaint. The agency monitored some aspects of the quality of service that people received.

People told us,

'I can have good days and bad days and the regular care workers know how to cope with me.'

'The care workers generally treat me so calmly and are very respectful, it's a two-way process.'

19 July 2011

During an inspection in response to concerns

The service was inspected over two days 20th and 21st July 2011. On day one the inspector spent time at the Carewatch South Midlands office examining care records and policies and procedures and talking to staff.

On day two the inspector spoke visited three people who use services in their homes and spoke to their carers and supporters.

We observed staff sensitively supporting people who use services in their homes. Some people told us they were satisfied with the care and support received from staff. Other people were not satisfied with the delivery of care and had raised this with managers.

One person told us they were pleased with the relationship formed between their relative and the carer. 'They talked non stop together.'

Care plans and risk assessments were not always up to date and people provided with the most current information. Personal records about people who use services are not always kept confidentially.

Other areas for improvement are around staff support, with timely staff training, supervision and appraisals, arrangements for safe workloads. Safeguarding training was identified as a priority for all staff.