• Care Home
  • Care home

Orchardown Rest Home

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

4-6 Old Orchard Road, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN21 1DB (01323) 726829

Provided and run by:
Mrs Visnja Mazzoli

Report from 7 December 2023 assessment

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Updated 24 January 2024

People had their care and support needs assessed by experienced staff before moving to the home. A comprehensive pre-assessment was carried out and documented to make sure that the home had the right staff with the right skills to meet people’s needs. After moving to the home people’s needs were under regular review with any changes noted on care plans and associated documents. This ensured that people received the best care appropriate to their needs.

This service scored 75 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.

Person-centred Care

Score: 3

We did not look at Person-centred Care during this assessment. The score for this quality statement is based on the previous rating for Responsive.

Care provision, Integration and continuity

Score: 3

We did not look at Care provision, Integration and continuity during this assessment. The score for this quality statement is based on the previous rating for Responsive.

Providing Information

Score: 3

We did not look at Providing Information during this assessment. The score for this quality statement is based on the previous rating for Responsive.

Listening to and involving people

Score: 3

We did not look at Listening to and involving people during this assessment. The score for this quality statement is based on the previous rating for Responsive.

Equity in access

Score: 3

We did not look at Equity in access during this assessment. The score for this quality statement is based on the previous rating for Responsive.

Equity in experiences and outcomes

Score: 3

The registered manager and the staff understood the importance of treating people fairly regardless of any cultural or health and social differences they had. Some people lived with dementia and we observed staff taking time with people, explaining what tasks they wanted to support them with and making them feel comfortable. People responded in a positive way, smiling and cooperating with staff to achieve desired outcomes.

People were treated with respect having regard for their equality characteristics. One person’s request to have a bidet installed in their bathroom had been met by the provider. This met their cultural needs. People were able to choose what and where they wanted to spend their time and how to occupy their time. People were enabled to access the community (with or without support dependent on people’s assessed needs). People enjoyed spending time in the communal areas and we observed friendship groups had developed among some people. Some however chose to spend most of their time in their own rooms. Limited activities were provided for people. These were a combination of group activities and 121 time spent with people in their rooms. A person said, “There is always plenty of things to do, things that we like to do.” Relatives provided mixed reviews, “We try to get [loved one] more involved in activities, [loved one] tends to stay in their room, [loved one] went to the Christmas party on Friday and there was a lady singer singing Christmas songs” and “They don’t do a huge amount of activities in the home. There is a man that plays piano that comes in which mum loves.”

Only 1 member of staff had received equality and diversity training. The provider had a policy in place to support the ethos at the home that everyone was treated with fairness and were protected from any form of discrimination. Care plans were person centred and considered people’s differences and equality characteristics. Regular ‘residents’ meetings were held to give people opportunities to provide feedback about their care and support and the service. Weekly discussions were held with people to review their menu choices. People received a survey on a regular basis to enable the management team to formally review their experiences. Records showed that people were generally positive about the care and support they receive.

Planning for the future

Score: 3

We did not look at Planning for the future during this assessment. The score for this quality statement is based on the previous rating for Responsive.