What do good digital social care records look like?

We refer to Regulation 17 of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014. This sets out the minimum requirements of the records a registered provider must keep for:

  • each person using its service
  • the employment of staff
  • the overall management of the regulated activity.

This applies to paper and digital records. Records must be accurate, complete and up-to-date.

We routinely look at a provider’s records as part of our inspection activity, focusing on:

  • the information in the records
  • how that information is used
  • the security measures to store and share the information.

We do not endorse or recommend a specific digital social care record system. You need to assure yourself that any digital record system you use enables you to meet the needs of the people using your service, deliver the regulated activity you carry on, and enables you to meet the regulations.

The Digitising Social Care programme provides resources to help you when choosing a digital social care record system.