Archived: 4 Ellenborough Park Road

11-13 Walliscote Road, Weston-super-mare, Somerset, BS23 1XE

Provided and run by:

All Inspections

21 January 2013

During a routine inspection

We spoke with five people who lived at 4 Ellenborough Park Road who told us that they felt very involved in the running of the home. They told us that they had "residents meetings" every month and their requests were responded to. People said that they chose what they did every day and were treated with respect. People who lived at the home told us that they felt safe and their concerns and complaints were taken seriously. We saw records that showed us that complaints were responded to in a timely way.

Staff told us that they received good training and supervision. We saw records which confirmed that the training was comprehensive and was focussed on needs of the people using the service.

We observed a comprehensive quality assurance system that demonstrated that risk assessments were undertaken, incidents analysed, audits completed and action plans developed to ensure that safe and effective care and support was delivered.