Archived: Coach House Rest Home

67 Keyhaven Road, Milford-on-Sea, Lymington, Hampshire, SO41 0QX

Provided and run by:
Mrs D L Fry

All Inspections

16 April 2013

During a routine inspection

We inspected Coach House on 12 September 2012 and found that the home was not meeting essential standards. We then inspected the service on 16 April 2013 and found that improvements had been made in all areas of previous non compliance.

We spoke with three members of staff, looked at four care records and used the Short Observational Framework for Inspection (SOFI). SOFI is a specific way of observing care to help us understand the experience of people who could not talk with us. We also spoke with relatives.

People's needs were assessed and care was planned and delivered in line with their individual care plan. Records we looked at demonstrated that people's care needs were regularly reviewed and that plans had been updated to reflect people's care requirements.

We observed staff carrying out safe moving and handling practice. We spoke with one person who said "They do look after everyone here, I have always felt safe".

We looked at the medicine administration records available in the home, which kept a record of medicines staff had administered to people. These records were accurate.

There were enough qualified, skilled and experienced staff to meet people's needs. At the time of our inspection we observed that there were two care staff, the registered manager and a cleaner on shift. Staff understood confidentiality and said that people's care records were kept in the homes office.

13, 17 September 2012

During a routine inspection

During the visit we spoke with four people who used the service. People told us that staff treated them well and that their privacy and dignity were respected. One person said "I go to bed when I want and get out of bed when I want". Another person said "I am respected and looked after". We also spoke with a relative who told us "Care staff have time to talk with my mum when making decisions."

People told us that activities took place every day and that the activities co-ordinator organises this when speaking with people in the service. We saw a scrap book which showed pictures of people participating in events and outings.

The provider told us they were aware that they needed to improve their safeguarding knowledge and partnership working. They also said they need to get better at recording supervisions, appraisals and team meetings. The provider did not always ensure that there were sufficient and suitably skilled, trained and qualified care staff at all times to ensure that people's needs were met appropriately and safely. The recording and management of medicines was not always accurate, the service did not have accurate records of the controlled drugs they held and was not storing controlled drugs safely.

21 February 2011

During an inspection looking at part of the service

We did not seek the opinions of people living in the service as part of this visit as we were there to check the improvements required as a result of the previous review.

These improvements related mainly to records.

We spoke to two staff members who told us they liked working in the home. One who was a cleaner told us they always had access to suitable equipment and products to enable them to keep the home clean and hygienic. One who was a member of the care staff said they felt people's needs were met. They told us that there was a small staff team who know the people using the service really well. They said that they all just knew the things that weren't written down and that they do things automatically.

8 December 2010

During a routine inspection

During our visit we spoke to five people who use the service, five of their relatives and a visiting district nurse.

People who use the service told us they were happy in the home and felt well cared for. They told us they have enough to do and staff are kind and respectful. They said nothing is too much trouble for staff or the provider and they feel their views are listened to.

Relatives spoken to said they are very happy with the care provided and could find no fault. One person said they felt like part of a large family and were always made welcome when visiting.

The visiting district nurse told us she was happy with the care provided in the service, worked well with the staff and had no concerns.