Managing risks: code snippet for healthcare assessment framework

Page last updated: 12 May 2022

S2. How are risks to people assessed, and their safety monitored and managed so they are supported to stay safe?

S2.1 How are staffing levels and skill mix planned and reviewed so that people receive safe care and treatment at all times and staff do not work excessive hours?

S2.2 How do actual staffing levels and skill mix compare with the planned levels? Is cover provided for staff absence?

S2.3 Do arrangements for using bank, agency and locum staff keep people safe at all times?

exclamation mark icon

Does not apply to
ambulance services
GP practices
GP out-of-hours
NHS 111

S2.4 How do arrangements for handovers and shift changes ensure that people are safe?

S2.5 Are comprehensive risk assessments carried out for people who use services and risk management plans developed in line with national guidance? Are risks managed positively?

S2.6 How do staff identify and respond appropriately to changing risks to people, including deteriorating health and wellbeing, medical emergencies or behaviour that challenges? Are staff able to seek support from senior staff in these situations?

S2.7 How is the impact on safety assessed and monitored when carrying out changes to the service or the staff?