Case study: Recognising excellence

Page last updated: 12 May 2022
Organisations we regulate

In April 2015, Mid Essex Hospital Services NHS Trust was rated as ‘requires improvement’.

‘Time to Shine’

The 'Time to Shine' programme gives staff the opportunity to highlight areas of excellence around the trust, providing every clinical area with a chance to celebrate the good work they were doing.

Examples of excellent clinical practice were shared internally with all staff by email and through the internal staff newsletter Staff Focus, and externally in press releases.

‘Terrific tickets’

The ‘terrific tickets’ scheme allows staff to nominate a person or department for an award in recognition of care and service that is above and beyond their normal daily work.

Tickets allow that member of staff to share a coffee with a friend, and the employee or department of the month receive vouchers presented by the Managing Director.

The employee also receives a certificate to display on the ward.

In December 2016, the trust was rated as good.