Safeguarding and protection from abuse

Page last updated: 12 May 2022
Organisations we regulate

S1. How do systems, processes and practices safeguard people from abuse?

S1.1 How are safeguarding systems, processes and practices developed, implemented and communicated to staff?

S1.2 How do systems, processes and practices protect people from abuse, neglect, harassment and breaches of their dignity and respect? How are these monitored and improved?

S1.3 How are people protected from discrimination, which might amount to abuse or cause psychological harm? This includes harassment and discrimination in relation to protected characteristics under the Equality Act.

S1.4 How are people supported to understand what keeping safe means, and how are they encouraged and empowered to raise any concerns they may have about this? If people are subject to safeguarding enquiries or an investigation, are they offered an advocate if appropriate or required?