Person-centred care: good

Page last updated: 12 May 2022
Organisations we regulate

R1. How do people receive personalised care that is responsive to their needs?

Characteristics of services we would rate as outstanding in this area

People, their families and/or carers are involved in developing their care, support and treatment plans. Their needs are identified, including needs on the grounds of protected equality characteristics, and their choices and preferences and how these are met are regularly reviewed.

Staff are well-supported to understand and meet these needs through learning and development.

The service strikes a balance when involving family, friends or advocates in decisions about a person's care and support to make sure that their views are known, respected and acted on.

Care planning is focused on the person's whole life, including their goals, skills, abilities and how they prefer to manage their health. Where appropriate, Health Action Plans may also be in place.

People are empowered to make choices and have as much control and independence as possible.

The service enables people to carry out person-centred activities and encourages them to maintain hobbies and interests.

Staff make sure that people can maintain relationships that matter to them, such as family, community and other social links. This helps to protect them from the risk of social isolation and loneliness as social contact and companionship is encouraged.

Staff encourage people to access activities by arranging for external agencies to facilitate them.

Reasonable adjustments are made and action is taken to remove barriers when people find it hard to use or access services. This includes in relation to communication and access needs.

The provider complies with the Accessible Information Standard by identifying, recording, flagging, sharing and meeting the information and communication needs of people with a disability or sensory loss.

Technology used in providing the service is easy to use and accessible to the people and staff who use it. It promotes timely and responsive care and support.