Managing risks: good

Page last updated: 12 May 2022
Organisations we regulate

S2. How are risks to people assessed and their safety monitored and managed so they are supported to stay safe and their freedom is respected?

Characteristics of services we would rate as good in this area

The service embeds a proactive approach to anticipating and managing risks to people who use services, which is recognised as being the responsibility of all staff. Staff understand the systems and strategies and use them consistently.

Staff give people information about risks to their safety. They actively support people when making choices so they have as much control and independence as possible. The least restrictive option is always considered.

People are involved in managing risks and risk assessments are person-centred, proportionate and reviewed regularly, and take equality and human rights legislation into account. Restrictions are minimised so that people feel safe but also have the most freedom possible – regardless of disability or other needs.

When people behave in a way that may challenge others, staff manage the situation in a positive way and protect people's dignity and rights. They regularly review how they do this and work with people, supporting them to manage their behaviour. They seek to understand and reduce the causes of behaviour that distresses people or puts them at risk of harm. They make sure that people are referred for professional assessment at the earliest opportunity. Staff use restraint if they have been trained, but only when it is safe and necessary to do so.

The service shares information about risks consistently and reliably, including in handover and other meetings, one-to-one supervision and other formal and informal ways. Staff are aware of risks to people's wellbeing and how to manage them. People like the way that information is shared with them and feel that it reflects their preferences.

The service consistently focuses on how it can improve its safety record. There are clear processes in place that were developed with staff. Monitoring and reviewing activity enables staff to understand risks and gives a clear, accurate and current picture of safety. Staff understand how to minimise risks and there is a good track record on safety and risk management.

There is an open culture of learning from mistakes, concerns, incidents, accidents and other relevant events. If people using the service are affected by a safety incident, they are asked for their views, or the service tries to understand their experience if this is possible, and these are used in reviews.

Staff understand how to raise concerns and are comfortable doing so. Where required, investigations are thorough. If action plans are required, they are monitored to make sure they are delivered.

Service records and other relevant sources are regularly and systematically reviewed to check for safety-related themes and trends. These are consistently recorded, discussed with staff and others and action is planned and taken to reduce related risks.

The service receives, reviews and acts on patient safety alerts.

Equipment is regularly serviced and well maintained.

The service takes all possible action to assess and reduce the risk of injury caused by people's living environment. It works with other organisations to do so whenever needed.
Staff are clear about their responsibilities regarding premises and equipment. They use equipment correctly to meet statutory requirements and support people to stay safe.

Staff share information about environmental and equipment-related risks with relevant external professionals and other services involved in people’s lives.

The service and staff are clear about their responsibilities when incidents occur.

People are provided with a range of accessible information about how to keep themselves safe and how to report any issues of concern.