Care Quality Commission Board meeting: 24 February 2021

Date: 24 February 2021
Teams meeting

Watch the public board meeting


1. Apologies and declarations of interest

2. Minutes of the previous meeting

Item 2: Minutes of the previous meeting

3. Matters arising and action log

Item 3: Public action log

4. Executive team's report

Item 4: Executive team update

5. Quarterly performance and finance report

Item 5: Performance report - cover paper

Item 5: Performance report

6. Quarterly change portfolio update

Item 6: Change and people update

7. COVID-19 Insight report

COVID-19 Insight report: Issue 8

8. Action for Race Equality Group

Item 8: Action for Race Equality Group - cover paper

Item 8: Action for Race Equality Group action plan

9. Workforce Disability Equality Standard (WDES) annual report and action plan

Item 9: Workforce Disability Equality Standard - cover paper

Item 9: Workforce Disability Equality Standard - annual report

10. Summary report of Audit and Corporate Governance Committee

Item 10: Audit and corporate governance committee - summary report

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