Pre-inspection provider information request: urgent care services

Page last updated: 12 May 2022
Organisations we regulate

We will continue to send you a provider information request before your inspection - this will support your inspection by helping us to prepare.

We will use this request to gather information that is not available through other national data collections.

We have updated the information request so that we can understand more about the care and the service you provide. The information we will request is likely to include, for example:

  • information on the service you provide including locations and the opening hours of your sites
  • changes to your service since the last inspection
  • evidence to show how you managed capacity and demand for the last 12 months, including use of agency staff
  • details of the approach you have taken when things have gone wrong and how you have shared learning throughout the organisation
  • evidence and examples of how your service ensures it is providing effective and responsive care
  • evidence to show how you have monitored performance and the quality of care and services, including what you report to your commissioner(s), such as details of completed clinical and other audits, with evidence of actions taken as a result and outcomes achieved
  • a copy of your risk register covering the last 12 months
  • a summary of complaints you have received, with details of actions you have taken and any improvements made
  • policies, procedures and other documentation

This list is not exhaustive and we may ask for further information depending on the information available to us.

NHS 111 and GP out-of-hours services will have 10 working days to respond to our request. If you are providing information on another urgent care service, you will have five working days to respond to our request. We will tell you what information to send, where to send it and who to contact if you have any questions.