What happens next?

Page last updated: 12 May 2022
Organisations we regulate

This depends on what the monitoring activity shows us.

If it indicates that there may be a risk to the safety of people using the service, we will take further regulatory action.

If our monitoring activity has assured us of the quality of care, then the service may be eligible to have a public statement published in the next monthly information review. If the service is not eligible (for example, it is not currently rated as good or outstanding) but the inspector has been assured by the monitoring activity, we will keep this on record for three months and prevent further calls providing there is no new information that indicates serious risk.

For adult social care and primary care services, if we do not need to consider an inspection or take any other regulatory action, we will send you a copy of the monitoring summary record. We are still considering whether to send summary records to NHS trusts and independent hospitals.

Regulatory action

This could include:

  • help to find additional sources of support for your service
  • inspection
  • enforcement processes.

We will continue to review this process to ensure we are prioritising our decisions correctly.

Monitoring summary record

This record is not an inspection report, and there is no rating as a result. This means that usual steps such as the factual accuracy process do not apply.

We will not publish summary records on our website.