Consultation: Reporting and rating NHS trusts' use of resources

Page last updated: 22 April 2022

About this consultation

We have worked closely with NHS Improvement to develop, test and implement an approach to assessing, reporting on and rating how efficiently and effectively NHS trusts and foundation trusts are using their resources to provide services.

We asked for your views on proposals about:

  • the process to develop and award final ratings for use of resources and publish these on this website in published inspection reports
  • changes to our standard aggregation rules and limiters to determine the new combined rating at trust level, when combining the use of resources rating with existing five trust-level key question ratings
  • changing the principle in our current standard aggregation rules that determines the number of requires improvement ratings at trust level that would limit the combined trust-level rating to requires improvement.

Consultation document

Reporting and rating NHS trusts’ use of resources: consultation document

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Use of resources assessment framework and consultation response (NHS Improvement)