How we will use your recordings

Page last updated: 12 May 2022

If you send us recordings from a camera or listening device, we’ll share it with the inspector responsible for the care service. They will look at them carefully to consider what action we should take.

Store it securely

If we need to keep a copy of the recording you have shared with us, we will make sure we store it securely.

Share it appropriately

We might need to share the recording (or information about them) with other organisations. This might be with:

  • the police
  • other regulators
  • local councils
  • agencies like the Health and Safety Executive or the Disclosure and Barring Service.

We will share the information if we believe it will protect people from harm or if a crime has been committed. If we have your contact details, we’ll let you know what we are doing and why.

We will always carefully consider the privacy and dignity of people who appear in any recordings, especially people who use services. We will always consider any objections from them before we share information. We will usually only share a recording against someone’s wishes if it is the only way to protect other people from serious harm.

Speak to the provider

We will usually tell the service that somebody has raised concerns with us. This is to allow them to take action to improve their care, protect people and meet the fundamental standards.

We will not always tell the service about the recording and we would not do this if it might influence a police investigation or put someone at risk of harm.

Our privacy statement explains more about how we use, share and protect personal data. It also tells you about your rights.