• Residential substance misuse service

Ridley Villas

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

91 New Bridge Street, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE1 2SW (0191) 232 9181

Provided and run by:
The Cyrenians Ltd

All Inspections

3 October 2018

During a routine inspection

We rated Ridley Villas as good because:

  • Clients received an initial risk assessment prior to admission and risk assessments were updated regularly. Care plans were regularly updated and reviewed with the clients and clients were involved in developing the services recovery focussed programme.
  • The service did not use bank or agency staff and sickness was very low.
  • The service had good relationships with external agencies and knew how to safeguard clients. Staff received regular supervision and appraisals.
  • Staff demonstrated positive, respectful and caring attitudes towards clients. Clients felt supported by staff and able to feedback and contribute to changes in the service.
  • The service had clear admission criteria in place and supported patients well during discharge from the service.
  • There were efficient systems in place to manage the running of the service and provider visions and values were clear and understood by staff.

05-06 December 2016

During a routine inspection

We do not currently rate independent standalone substance misuse services.

We found the following issues that the service provider needs to improve:

  • Staff were not trained in and did not have an understanding of the Duty of Candour.
  • Staff were not trained in and did not have an understanding of the Mental Capacity Act.
  • The provider did not have a policy for the Duty of Candour or the Fit and Proper Persons requirements. 
  • The provider had not undertaken all necessary checks to provide assurance that all directors met the requirements of the fit and proper person’s regulation.

However, we also found the following areas of good practice:

  • Clients received an initial risk assessment prior to admission and we saw that this risk assessment was updated regularly. Where risks were identified, risk management plans were implemented.
  • Care plans were maintained on a secure electronic system and were regularly reviewed with clients. The package of support offered to clients from different services formed the care plans used at Ridley Villas.
  • We observed positive interactions between staff and clients which demonstrated compassion, dignity and respect. Clients were very positive about the support from staff at the service, staff attitudes and behaviours.
  • The service had good working relationships with local partner agencies.
  • The service had not received any formal complaints in the twelve months prior to inspection and clients told us they knew how to make complaints.

17, 18 June 2014

During a routine inspection

We considered our inspection findings to answer questions we always ask;

' Is the service safe?

' Is the service effective?

' Is the service caring?

' Is the service responsive?

' Is the service well-led?

This is a summary of what we found-

Is the service safe?

One person told us she felt she and her child were very safe at the service. A social care professional told us she was impressed by the risk assessments carried out to ensure women were kept safe at Ridley Villas. Appropriate security measures were in place to ensure people's safety. These included CCTV monitoring of access points to the building. The manager was available on call in case of emergencies.

CQC monitors the operation of the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards which applies to care homes. While no applications had needed to be submitted, proper policies and procedures were in place.

Systems were in place for checking safety equipment and systems such as fire alarms and extinguishers.

Is the service effective?

People told us that they were happy with the care that had been delivered and their needs had been met. One person told us, 'It's been worth it, 100%', and, 'It's helped a lot. I don't know where I'd be without Ridley Villas. It's the best place I've ever been.'

Partner agencies told us the service was effective. A social care professional told us she had used the service three times and her clients had always had a very positive experience and had benefitted greatly from the support provided. Another professional told us, 'They have a lot of success. They have really turned some people's lives around.'

Staff had a good understanding of the people's care and support needs and knew them well. Staff had received training to meet the needs of the people living at the home.

Is the service caring?

People were supported by caring and committed staff. People told us staff gave them great encouragement and support. One person said, 'They genuinely care for you, here.' Comments given as part of the annual survey of people's views included, 'The staff go out of their way to help us', and, 'It's a very good service. They have given me a lot of support through my bad times and good.'

Professionals we spoke with confirmed the caring and supportive ethos of the service. One professional told us, 'It goes without saying, they are very caring.' Another professional said that care was also shown by staff consistently challenging behaviours that were harmful to the person or their child.

Is the service responsive?

People's needs had been assessed before they moved into the home. People had been asked for their views and these had been recorded. Records confirmed people's preferences, interests, aspirations and needs had been recorded and care and support had been provided in accordance with people's needs and the needs of their children. One person told us, 'Every service I've asked for, I've got. If the manager can get us support, she does.' People had good access to activities that were important to them and had been supported to maintain personal relationships with their children, other relatives and friends.

Professionals told us the service was very responsive to the needs of people and that it worked well with partner agencies. One professional told us, 'We work hand-in-glove. They co-operate fully.' Another professional said, 'I can always get a response, even out of hours.'

Is the service well-led?

The service had a registered manager in post. Although there was a high level of sickness absence for permanent staff, the manager had ensured good continuity of the service by giving appropriate support to the temporary workers brought in to cover. One temporary support worker told us her induction had been 'brilliant', and had given her the information she needed to meet people's needs. Workers had a good understanding of the ethos of the home and effective quality assurance processes were in place. People who used the service were asked for their views about their care and treatment in regular meetings and their views were acted upon.

People using the service, support workers and external professionals all spoke very highly of the manager's leadership. One person told us, 'The manager has been a massive help, she's really good.' A support worker told us, 'The manager is very good. She's supportive and she listens.' Comments from health and social care professionals included, 'She leads from the front and models transparency, honesty and openness', and 'The manager leads exceptionally well.'

Staff told us they were clear about their roles and responsibilities, they were given regular training opportunities and could access company policies and guidance.

18, 20 June 2013

During a routine inspection

People using the service had been fully involved in discussing and agreeing their needs and care plans, and had given their informed consent to the care and treatment they were receiving.

People's strengths and needs had been fully assessed by all the professionals involved in their care, and detailed and achievable care plans had been put in place to aid their rehabilitation. These plans were flexible and changed with people's progress.

People told us they were very pleased with the care and support they received. One person told us, 'I love it here. I've made massive progress.' Another person said, 'This is a great place. They help you with everything.'

Systems were in place for recognising and responding to any signs of abuse, and new staff were thoroughly vetted before they started work.

Any complaints or concerns were taken seriously. People told us they knew how to complain, but said they never needed to as they could always talk any problems through with the staff.

10 August 2012

During a routine inspection

We spoke to five people who used the service and they told us they were very happy with the service provided, and that they felt safe. One person who used the service described it as 'marvellous' and said that 'everything is great'.

People said staff spoke to them well and responded to questions and queries, promptly and politely. They also said were aware that they had a care plan and also confirmed that any changes in their care had been discussed with them.

We were told that there were regular house meetings to discuss events, activities, housekeeping issues and that people found these very useful.

People spoken to said that they received support identified straight away and that they had no complaints. They also said they knew who to go to if they had any issues to discuss. People said they had been given a copy of the complaints procedure and we saw that there were posters displayed which showed how to raise issues.

4 August 2011

During a routine inspection

We spoke with two people using the service. They both said that they find Ridley Villas a good place to live. Each person said that they had been given enough information about the service before they came to live there. Both people said that they were satisfied that their privacy and dignity was respected. One person said that the service was arranged to suit her individual needs and changed according to the level of support and assistance she required. She said she met regularly with her key worker and they discussed the support arrangements and these were changed as necessary. People said that they found the accommodation very comfortable and was suited to their needs and those of their children. They said staff listened and took account of their views.