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  • Dentist

Archived: Waterden Dental Practice

4 Waterden Road, Guildford, Surrey, GU1 2AW (01483) 565290

Provided and run by:
Waterden Dental Practice Ltd

Important: The provider of this service changed - see old profile

All Inspections

During a check to make sure that the improvements required had been made

During our previous inspection of 04 February 2014 we found that the service appeared to be clean and hygienic. Although people who used the service told us the service was clean we found that the provider did not have in place a sufficiently robust system of checks and audits and was therefore unable to assure us that the service's cleanliness and infection control processes were effective.

As a result of documents sent to us by the provider we found that improvements had been made and that the provider was providing care and treatment to people who used the service in a clean and hygienic manner. A robust system of checks, audits and cleanliness and infection control procedures were in place which ensured that people were cared for in a hygienic environment.

4 February 2014

During a routine inspection

People were asked for their consent before treatment, support or care was provided to them.

Records of care and treatment contained relevant detail, including x ray information and referral notes where appropriate. People were treated in a manner which promoted their oral and general health. All the people whose views we obtained spoke highly of the practice. One person said, 'They are brilliant. I couldn't wish for a better service.' Another told us 'They are always very obliging.'

People were protected from abuse through the provision of suitable training to staff, the presence of clear policies and the ready availability of information to staff and people who used the service.

The premises were maintained in a clean and hygienic condition although the service had not carried out audits or risk assessments in relation to cleanliness and infection control. The service maintained detailed policies and procedures related to cleanliness and infection control but there was no evidence to show that staff had undergone appropriate training. However, all those with whom we spoke told us the standard of cleanliness was excellent or very good. The provider had not acted upon the recommendations of a legionella risk assessment and was therefore unable to confirm the risk of infection had been minimised.

The service provider had in place a clear procedure for dealing with complaints or adverse comments and this had been followed when a complaint had been made.