• Community
  • Community substance misuse service

Archived: IDAS Battersea

4 Palmerston Court, Palmerston Way, Battersea, SW8 4AJ (020) 7498 6149

Provided and run by:
Blenheim CDP

All Inspections

24 October 2013

During a routine inspection

During our visit we spoke with the manager, a senior practitioner and seven people that use the service who were attending one of the group programme sessions.

People told us "The staff are not judgemental", "They listen and you can discuss problems with them, they are here to help" and "Coming to the groups felt safe and welcoming".

There was a clear process for the assessment of people who were referred to the service and ongoing reviews of their recovery plans and their support needs. We saw examples of the computerised recovery plans which were detailed and up to date. However, we noted that information and feedback identified from the group programme relating to additional support needs was not added to the document.

We saw that there were suitable rooms used for the group sessions and drop in area. The rooms were clean and tidy with a wide range of information leaflets.

Staff told us they had regular supervision with their managers but had not had an appraisal. They also said they felt there was a wide range of training available but some felt there was limited access to external courses.

People said "They are not prescriptive with care" and "The food on a Tuesday is good, sometimes staff and the manager come and eat with you".