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Archived: Support Team (UK) Limited

23 Meadowridge, Hatch Warren, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG22 4QH (01962) 710236

Provided and run by:
Support Team (UK) Limited

All Inspections

24 January 2014

During a routine inspection

The provider completed detailed needs assessments before any support was delivered and obtained valid consent from people who used the service, which was recorded and regularly reviewed.

People had person centred care plans, which had been developed with them and those acting on their behalf. One person told us they were very happy with the 'excellent' support provided by staff. They told us, 'the staff are friendly and understanding and the manager is always there for me if I have any worries'.

The provider had a current safeguarding policy and a copy of the local authority guidance. Staff demonstrated knowledge of the different types of abuse and told us about the appropriate action they would take if they had any concerns. The manager and staff knew who to contact to report any abuse and we saw that they had the contact numbers to do this.

Support Team UK had an effective recruitment and selection process which actively involved the people to be supported. Staff completed a recognised induction and shadowing process before they were allowed to start work for the service. We reviewed records which confirmed that staff had received appropriate training, which had been tailored to the needs of the person they were to support.

The manager operated systems to regularly assess and monitor the quality of the service provided, which included an effective audit process and complaints procedure.