• Doctor
  • GP practice

Archived: Dr Sunil Maiti Also known as Richmond Medical

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

421 Blackburn Road, Accrington, Lancashire, BB5 1RT (01254) 282460

Provided and run by:
Dr Sunil Maiti

Latest inspection summary

On this page

Background to this inspection

Updated 19 December 2016

Richmond Medical is based in the Acorn Primary Health Care Centre in Accrington. It is part of the East Lancashire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and has 6216 patients.

Information published by Public Health England rates the level of deprivation within the practice population group as one on a scale of one to 10. Level one represents the highest levels of deprivation and level 10 the lowest. Male and female life expectancy in the practice geographical area is 74 years for males and 79 years for females, both of which are below the England average of 79 years and 83 years respectively. The numbers of patients in the different age groups on the GP practice register were similar to the average GP practice in England. The practice had a higher percentage (73.6%) of its population claiming disability allowance than the England average (50.3%).

The practice is based in an area with a high level of unemployment with large families in overcrowded and poor housing. The practice has more than 50% of its patients from black, minority and ethnic communities as well as a high number of people from the travelling community.

The service is provided by three GP partners and two salaried GPs. The practice also employs a business development manager, an assistant practice manager, five nursing staff (including a healthcare assistant and a nurse for patients over the age of 75), and a number of reception /

administrative staff who also cover other duties such as dealing with samples and drafting prescriptions.

The practice is based in a purpose built building with ramp access to assist people with mobility problems. There is plenty of parking including specific parking bays for people with disabilities. The practice has a number of consulting and treatment rooms used by the GPs and nursing staff as well as visiting professionals such as health visitors.

The surgery is open Monday to Friday between 8am and 6:30pm. There is provision for poorly children to be seen the same day. Out of hours is provided by the NHS 111 services.

The practice provides online patient access that allows patients to book appointments and order prescriptions.

Overall inspection


Updated 19 December 2016

Letter from the Chief Inspector of General Practice

This is a desk top review of evidence supplied by Dr Sunil Maiti, also known as Richmond Medical, for areas within the key question Safe. This review was completed on 16 November 2016.

Upon review of the documentation provided by the practice, we found the practice to be good in providing safe services. Overall, the practice is rated as good.

The practice was previously inspected on 7 January 2015. The inspection was a comprehensive inspection under the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014 (HSCA). At that inspection, the practice was rated good overall. However, within the key question safe several areas were identified as requires improvement , as the practice was not meeting the legislation for two key areas:

  • Regulation 12 of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014, Safe care and treatment

  • Regulation 19 of the Health and Social Care Act (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014 Fit and proper persons employed

At the inspection in January 2016 we found that the registered person did not assess and mitigate against risks including securing prescription paper and ensuring all staff received appropriate training and appraisal to ensure the health and safety of service users whilst receiving the care or treatment. We also found that appropriate employment checks were not consistently carried out prior to staff commencing work as the provider could not evidence that disclosure and barring service (DBS) checks had been carried out for GPs.

Other areas identified where the practice was advised they should make improvements included:

  • Improving the availability of non-urgent appointments.
  • Reviewing and updating the business continuity plan to take into account information technology based eventualities.
  • Improving the sample drop off procedure to ensure the samples are kept in a safe place out of access to the public.

The practice supplied an action plan and a range of documents which demonstrated they are now meeting the requirements of Regulation 12 Staff Care and Treatment and Regulation 19 Fit and Proper Persons Employed of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014. The practice also demonstrated improvement in the other areas identified in the report from January 2016 which did not affect ratings. These improvements have been documented in the well-led section, showing how the registered person has demonstrated continuous improvement since the inspection in January 2016

Professor Steve Field (CBE FRCP FFPH FRCGP) 

Chief Inspector of General Practice

People with long term conditions


Updated 19 December 2016

The practice is rated as good for the care of people with long-term conditions.

This rating was given following the comprehensive inspection in January 2016. A copy of the full report following this inspection is available on our website


Families, children and young people


Updated 19 December 2016

The practice is rated as good for the care of families, children and young people.

This rating was given following the comprehensive inspection in January 2016. A copy of the full report following this inspection is available on our website


Older people


Updated 19 December 2016

The practice is rated as good for the care of older people.

This rating was given following the comprehensive inspection in January 2016. A copy of the full report following this inspection is available on our website


People experiencing poor mental health (including people with dementia)


Updated 19 December 2016

The practice is rated as good for the care of people experiencing poor mental health.

This rating was given following the comprehensive inspection in January 2016. A copy of the full report following this inspection is available on our website


People whose circumstances may make them vulnerable


Updated 19 December 2016

The practice is rated as good for the care of people whose circumstances make them vulnerable.

This rating was given following the comprehensive inspection in January 2016. A copy of the full report following this inspection is available on our website
