• Hospital
  • Independent hospital

Archived: Canterbury Clinic

19 Palace Place, Canterbury, Kent, CT1 2DZ 0844 414 3014

Provided and run by:
My Ultrababy Limited

All Inspections

12 February 2014

During a routine inspection

We visited Canterbury Clinic and spoke with staff. We observed the processes and later we spoke with people using the service at the clinic. All the people we spoke with were happy with the service they received.

People told us that they had given their consent and been involved with discussing what scan was going to be done. One person commented, 'Everything was explained to me and I think they were brilliant'.

We found that people received care and treatment which had been clearly documented and provided by staff who were qualified to do so. People we spoke with told us that they were happy with the service provided.

People were protected from abuse, or the risk of abuse, because staff received training on child protection and safeguarding vulnerable adults.

The provider had effective recruitment and selection procedures in place and carried out relevant checks on staff.

People told us that they were asked for feedback at the end of their visit. People we spoke with said that they did not have any complaints but knew who to contact if they had any concerns. People said that they felt confident that they would be listened to if they raised an issue and that it would be acted on.