• Care Home
  • Care home

Maple Court

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

182 Barrowcliff Road, Scarborough, North Yorkshire, YO12 6EY (01723) 413413

Provided and run by:
Rosedale Care Services (Yorkshire) Limited

Latest inspection summary

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Background to this inspection

Updated 5 May 2023

The inspection

We carried out this inspection under Section 60 of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (the Act) as part of our regulatory functions. We checked whether the provider was meeting the legal requirements and regulations associated with the Act. We looked at the overall quality of the service and provided a rating for the service under the Health and Social Care Act 2008.

As part of this inspection, we looked at the infection control and prevention measures in place. This was conducted so we can understand the preparedness of the service in preventing or managing an infection outbreak, and to identify good practice we can share with other services.

Inspection team

This inspection was completed by 1 inspector.

Service and service type

Maple Court Scarborough is a ‘care home’. People in care homes receive accommodation and nursing and/or personal care as a single package under one contractual agreement dependent on their registration with us. Maple Court Scarborough is a care home without nursing care. CQC regulates both the premises and the care provided, and both were looked at during this inspection.

Registered Manager

This provider is required to have a registered manager to oversee the delivery of regulated activities at this location. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Registered managers and providers are legally responsible for how the service is run, for the quality and safety of the care provided and compliance with regulations.

At the time of our inspection there was a registered manager in post.

Notice of inspection

This inspection was unannounced.

What we did before the inspection

We reviewed information we had received about the service since the last inspection. We sought feedback from the local authority and Healthwatch. Healthwatch is an independent consumer champion that gathers and represents the views of the public about health and social care services in England. We used the information the provider sent us in the provider information return (PIR). This is information providers are required to send us annually with key information about their service, what they do well, and improvements they plan to make. We used all this information to plan our inspection.

During the inspection

We spoke with 4 people who used the service and 1 relative about their experience of the care provided. We spoke with 2 visiting health professionals and with 9 members of staff including care staff, the managing director, registered manager, chef, maintenance person, domestic lead and 2 visiting service quality leads. We reviewed a range of records. This included 3 care plans, 3 staff files and records relating to the management of the service. We observed the medicines administration and management process including associated record keeping.

Overall inspection


Updated 5 May 2023

About the service

Maple Court Scarborough is a residential care home providing the regulated activity of personal care for up to 64 people. The service provides support to older people and people with dementia. At the time of our inspection there were 48 people using the service.

People’s experience of using this service and what we found

People were supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives and staff supported them in the least restrictive way possible and in their best interests; the policies and systems in the service supported this practice.

Risks to people's health, safety and wellbeing had been assessed and recorded. Staff understood what actions were required to help keep people safe. People told us they felt safe at the home and with the staff who supported them. Staff had received training in safeguarding and felt confident in the processes in place to report any concerns.

The service was a modern build with a safe, homely environment. Risk assessments were used to keep staff and visitors safe and promoted good access to internal and external communal areas.

Where people required support to take their medicines these were managed and administered safely, with regular checks completed. We were assured by the measures taken to help ensure the prevention and control of infection. Where areas of the home required maintenance, actions were swiftly implemented to maintain standards. For example, to maintain a clean and pleasant environment.

Staff responded promptly and were attentive to people’s needs. The registered manager monitored staff deployment and ensured enough staff were always on duty. Ongoing recruitment meant there was a reduction on the reliance of agency staff which improved people’s experiences. Processes in place ensured only suitable staff were safely recruited into their roles.

People were supported by caring, friendly staff who knew their needs well. Staff received required training and checks to ensure they followed best practice guidance. People told us staff were skilled in their roles and supported them to maintain their independence wherever possible.

People received an initial assessment of their needs. Care records included up to date information which was being further improved to evidence people’s involvement with their care, support, and regular reviews. Care provided was personalised and supported people’s preferences and wishes. Information was provided in an accessible format which helped people to communicate and understand their support.

People’s health needs were being met. The service worked closely with other health professionals and external agencies to support them with their health and wellbeing. A health professional told us the service was a flag ship in the development of integrated care in responding to people’s ever-changing needs.

People and staff spoke positively about the management of the service and their openness to

feedback. The management team was proactively supported by resources at provider level and was approachable, maintained regular communication, and listened to the views of others.

A range of audits and checks were completed to maintain and where required, implement any required improvements.

For more details, please see the full report which is on the CQC website at www.cqc.org.uk

Rating at last inspection

The last rating for this service was good (published 9 December 2022).

At our last inspection we recommended that . At this inspection we found .

Why we inspected

The inspection was prompted in part due to a notification to the CQC of an incident associated with an allegation of abuse. The incident is subject to further investigation by CQC as to whether any regulatory action should be taken. As a result, this inspection did not examine the circumstances of the incident. However, the information shared with CQC about the incident indicated potential concerns about the management of risks to keep people safe from avoidable harm and abuse. This inspection examined those risks.

We undertook a focused inspection to review the key questions of safe, responsive, and well-led only. For those key questions not inspected, we used the ratings awarded at the last inspection to calculate the overall rating.

We found no evidence during this inspection that people were at risk of harm from this concern. The provider had taken action to mitigate the risks, and this had been effective.

The overall rating for the service has remained good based on the findings of this inspection.

You can read the report from our last comprehensive inspection, by selecting the ‘all reports’ link for Maple Court Scarborough on our website at www.cqc.org.uk.

Follow up

We will continue to monitor information we receive about the service, which will help inform when we next inspect.