• Services in your home
  • Homecare service

Archived: Cyprus House

18 Cyprus Road, Edmonton, N9 9PG

Provided and run by:
Care Best Limited

All Inspections

17 September 2013

During a routine inspection

People expressed their views and were involved in making decisions about their care and treatment. Staff told us and records showed that they had a meeting each morning to discuss the day ahead with regard to menu planning, activities, outings and any required healthcare appointments.

People's needs were assessed and care and treatment was planned and delivered in line with their individual care plan. We saw that these plans were being reviewed on a regular basis with input from the person using the service. Care plans included information about the healthcare needs of the person and we saw that they had good access to doctors and other healthcare professionals.

We saw that staff had undertaken safeguarding training in the last year. A person we spoke with told us 'I feel safe. They treat me nice.'

People were being cared for by staff who were supported to deliver care and treatment safely and to an appropriate standard. Staff we spoke with told us they were being supported by the manager and provider and that they enjoyed working at the home.

The registered manager told us that staff had regular one to one meetings with people where they could bring up any concerns about the service and make any suggestions for improvements.

We saw that the manager carried out regular checks at the home including health and safety audits to make sure people were being supported in a safe environment.