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  • Homecare service

Archived: A4 Care

5 Highfield Park, Wargrave, Reading, Berkshire, RG10 8LB (0118) 940 3859

Provided and run by:
A4 Care Ltd

All Inspections

5 July 2013

During a routine inspection

At the time of our inspection, A4 Care provided support to six people.

People were involved in making decisions about the care and support they received. A relative we spoke with told us, "They have come in while our regular carer is on holidays. They know we will reduce our visits once our regular carer comes back. They respect that".

We saw assessments of people's needs covered various domains of personal care, including medical problems, social and cultural needs. There was also information about people's work and life history which enabled the care workers to provide a personalised service.

We spoke to the registered manager about the recruitment and selection process for employing new care workers. The registered manager explained job applicants completed an application form, attended an interview and submitted required documentation prior to commencing work.

This was provided in a format that met their needs. We spoke with one person who uses the service and their relative and they told us they were satisfied with the care and had no reason to make a complaint. They said they would speak to the registered manager or call the office if they had a complaint.