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Archived: Lincolnshire Quality Care Services

Terminal 1 Offices, North Moss Lane, Stallingborough, Grimsby, South Humberside, DN41 8DD (01469) 578444

Provided and run by:
Lincolnshire Quality Care Services Ltd

Important: This service was previously registered at a different address - see old profile

All Inspections

During a check to make sure that the improvements required had been made

Our inspection visit of 9 December 2013 found there to be non-compliance with the outcome assessing and monitoring the quality of service. Staff and people who used the service told us that checks were in place and regular meetings and surveys were carried out, but we were unable to find evidence of systems which formally collated the views of people who used the service, their relatives or health care professionals. We did not see evidence these were reported on and areas were identified for improvement.

The registered manager was on leave at the time of our visit of 9 December 2013. On their return they wrote to us providing information about the quality assurance systems they had in place.

The information provided to us evidenced that the provider had an effective system in place to regularly assess and monitor the quality of service that people received.

Comments from people who used the service included: 'I am very happy with my care. All the girls are good. I often have a laugh with the carers and I have no complaints,' 'The carers that come in are very good and I get the same carers all the time. There is nothing that needs to be changed and I am very happy with the service!'

9 December 2013

During a routine inspection

People were consulted about their care and treatment and were supported to make decisions and choice about their care. People told us they saw the manager and could contact the office. One person said, 'The office staff are really friendly, I know who to speak to if I have any problems.' Relatives told us they had been consulted and had attended meetings about the care their family member received.

Information was available for staff to follow to ensure they could meet people's needs.

The premises were easily accessible and well maintained. Confidential files were stored safely.

The agency employed enough staff to ensure people's needs were met. There were systems in place to ensure staff attended people at the right time and stayed for the allotted length of time.

Although people told us they were involved with their care and saw the manager regularly, the provider did not have formal recording systems in place which regularly assessed and audited the quality of the service provided.

25 February and 8 March 2013

During a routine inspection

We spoke with people receiving care and their families and we received positive comments regarding the personal aspects of the care received. We were told that peoples' choices and preferences were catered for. One person told us that "they are friendly and know what they are doing, and always ask rather than just do things." A client's spouse told us that the staff "encourage her to eat and walk and are very good at confidence boosting."

People told us of their experiences. One person said that they didn't like change and that now they had the same two carers visiting most of the time, they were far happier than before the relationships built up. We were told that staff "always rang" if there were problems attending on time. We spoke with carer staff who told us how they covered for eventualities. We were told that this was generally "handled fine" and "we have time to get between calls so rarely run late."

We saw that care was planned with a person centred approach and that the needs of people were assessed and formed into care plans. Staff were aware of their obligations with regard to safeguarding vulnerable adults. We saw how staff were recruited appropriately and their suitability assessed prior to employment and looked at the complaints system the provider operated.