Archived: Guideposts Trust

44 Regent Street, Rugby, Warwickshire, CV21 2PS

Provided and run by:
Guideposts Trust Limited

All Inspections

3 July 2012

During a routine inspection

We were unable to speak to people using the service because of their health condition. We gathered evidence of people's experiences through speaking with three relatives of people who use the service of Guideposts Trust. We also spoke with three members of staff for Guideposts Trust.

Relatives we spoke with told us that the care their family members received matched the care that was discussed with them. Family members told us that they were involved in their care and that reviews were held to reassess their relative's needs. We saw that relatives had signed the care plans of their family members which showed their involvement.

Family members we spoke with told us that staff were friendly and supportive with their relative's needs. One family member told us that there had been an issue with one carer which was being resolved. Another relative told us that they were 'very pleased' with the support provided by one carer.

A safeguarding policy was available. Staff had signed to confirm they had read the policy. We spoke with staff about what they thought abuse was. They showed us they had a good awareness of the importance of keeping people safe. They understood their responsibilities for reporting any concerns regarding abuse.

We saw that staff were supported through training and supervision sessions. Briefing sheets were sent to staff on a weekly basis which outlined any changes to people's support needs.

We saw that the manager had completed reviews on people's care plans. Where necessary action plans were formed. We saw that the action plans were completed within the agreed timescales.