As part of our inspection of this service we spoke with the acting manager, three members of care staff and one parent of a child who used the service. We undertook a physical examination of all key areas of the service and examined records of staff supervision, staff training, quality assurance information provided to children and families and written and electronic records relating to the provision of care by the service. We were unable to speak to the one young person present during our visit, as they were sleeping at the time, however we did observe staff providing care and support to one young person who was attending the service on the day of our visit. Is the service safe?
CQC monitors the operation of Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) which applies to hospices. We spoke with the acting manager who demonstrated their knowledge of the protocols to follow. We saw evidence that all staff had been trained in safeguarding, first aid and mental capacity. We found risk assessments with clear action plans were in place to ensure people remained safe.
We saw evidence of a robust system for health and safety in respect of hygiene and infection control.
Is the service effective?
People told us that they were happy with the care they received and felt their needs had been met. It was clear from what we saw and from speaking with staff that they understood people's care and support needs and that they had received appropriate training. People we talked with who used the service and their relatives were satisfied with the service provided. A relative said, "The staff are wonderful here. They always sit down and go through everything with you before each visit. They have always given me the time I needed to cope with the situation."
Is the service caring ?
We saw that staff interacted positively with people who used the service and people we talked with about the service told us that staff were caring and friendly. Assessments of children and young people's care, treatment and support needs were undertaken prior to using the service. Children and young people, their families and health and social care professionals involved in their care were consulted during this process. Records confirmed people's preferences and diverse needs had been accommodated.
Is the service responsive?
The hospice provided a range of services that responded to people's needs when they had a life-limiting illness. The services included medical care, pain management, day therapy services, spiritual care, counselling, social work advice and community care. The hospice promoted a stress-free environment where people could relax and rest. A member of staff told us, "We are very aware of the need to promote a calm environment". People were encouraged to feedback on the quality of the care and services provided and their views were taken into account. The hospice maintained close links with the community. The hospice trained volunteers in the community who were active participants in some aspects of the service.
Is the service well-led?
Staff had a good understanding of the ethos of the home and quality assurance processes were in place. We found that comprehensive policies and procedures that addressed every aspect of the service were in place.
People and their relatives or representatives were consulted about how the service was run and annual survey questionnaires were collected and analysed. Staff told us they were able and encouraged to express their views and raise any concerns they may have and said they were listened to. A member of staff told us, "We can raise any concerns and make suggestions, the management have an open door policy and they listen to us". Complaints, incidents and accidents were appropriately recorded and audited. There were audit processes in place to monitor risks, safety and wellbeing. The registered manager operated a system of quality assurance and completed audits to identify how to improve the service.