• Dentist
  • Dentist

Archived: Regency House Dental Practice - Brighton

Regency House, 13 St Georges Place, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 4GB (01273) 683223

Provided and run by:
Mr. Keith Mayall

All Inspections

29 August 2013

During a routine inspection

Regency House is a small dental practice which employs the dentist, who is also the provider, a dental nurse, and a receptionist and we spoke with all these staff. We also spoke with eight patients. We looked at the latest patient satisfaction survey to help us better understand the experience of patients.

We found that people were given treatment options and that they had adequate information and time to make their decisions before consenting to treatment. A patient said, 'I feel in a position to have a good dialogue.' There were suitable arrangements for gaining consent for children and those who lacked the capacity to give valid consent.

Patients were given a comprehensive dental examination and treatment was planned and delivered to meet their needs in a safe way. Patients were satisfied with the service and one told us, 'I'm really impressed. I've been to lots of dentists and they are really nice. They are really good and caring. The receptionist and nurse are nice and that makes it a good experience.'

Staff were appropriately qualified and registered to do their jobs and suitable background checks had been carried out. Patients told us they had confidence in the staff, and one told us, 'I always feel what they are doing is in my best interests."

Government guidance in relation to infection prevention and control was being followed. A patient said the practice was, 'Clean, hygienic and well presented.'

The provider had a system to gather feedback from patients, and this was acted on when appropriate.