• Dentist
  • Dentist

Dr Sandra Mira Pritlove-Carson

118 St Leonards Road, Windsor, Berkshire, SL4 3DG (01753) 857707

Provided and run by:
Dr. Sandra Mira Pritlove-Carson

All Inspections

27 September 2013

During a routine inspection

We spoke with three people who were attending the practice at the time of our visit. They were highly complementary about the quality of services they were receiving. One person said 'If I hadn't come here I would have lost my teeth. I can't recommend them highly enough.' Another person told us 'This dentist is brilliant. They tell you what is involved and are up front about the costs involved.'

People told us they were involved in their care and treatment. They said that after an examination the dentist would explain the possible treatment options and the various fees. They said they were given choices and could have a say in how their treatment was provided. They said the dentist always explained the risk and benefits of various treatments and provided details of the expected outcome.

We saw from the records that consent was sought in writing for various treatments and a record was kept on file. We saw detailed records of dental examination and observed that all patients' records contained well documented medical information, including full dental charts and treatment plans.

We saw the practice was clean and well maintained and staff followed infection control guidelines.

The practice had an effective quality assurance system in place and staff told us they actively sought feedback from patients about their experiences. The dentists told us information received from patients was used to improve practice.