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Archived: Mont Calm Clifton Crescent

3 Clifton Crescent, Folkestone, Kent, CT20 2EL (01303) 242940

Provided and run by:
Mr Stephen Castellani

All Inspections

24 May 2013

During an inspection in response to concerns

There were 12 people using the service at the time of our inspection. People told us they were happy with the care they received. Comments included 'It's alright really', 'I have no complaints whatsoever' and 'Excellent, absolutely first class'. However we found that the service did not have systems in place to ensure that people had their needs met in a safe or appropriate way.

The service had not involved people in the planning of their care and we saw some examples of staff not listening to people or respecting their views. People did not have a care plan in place to meet each of their assessed needs. This meant that staff did not have the information they needed about how to care for people properly. We found some examples where people had not received the care they needed as a result.

The service had not always responded appropriately to allegations of abuse. Staff were not able to show us that they would take the correct action if an allegation of abuse was made. The service had not followed proper procedures for recruiting new staff to ensure that people were kept safe.

The service did not have effective systems for checking the quality and safety of the service and for taking action to improve where needed. Some of the records required to ensure people received the care they needed and were kept safe were inaccurate or out of date.

17 January 2013

During an inspection looking at part of the service

At our last inspection in August 2012 we found that improvements were needed to ensure that all incidents or accidents were investigated and appropriate action taken. We also found that the standards of cleanliness of some parts of the service required improvement and some staff training was not up to date.

We carried out this follow up inspection to look at the areas that required action and to check that these improvements had been made. We found that the manager had taken action to review all incidents and accidents that occurred. We looked around the service and spoke with people who lived there, we saw that it was clean and repairs had been carried out. Reference to staff training information found that appropriate training was booked and was due to be delivered.

29 August 2012

During a routine inspection

We spoke with five people using the service. Some people living at the service were not able to talk to us directly about their experiences due to their complex needs, so we used different methods to help us understand their experiences. We spoke with staff, spent time with people, read records, looked around the service and made observations of the care and support received.

People we spoke with were satisfied with the care and support received. They said they liked living at Mont Calm and liked the staff. Comments included 'I am quite settled here, it's a relaxed place to live' and 'I am happy with my care, how they keep the home and the food'. People particularly commented that they liked the sea views.

We saw that people were offered choices and their dignity and independence was respected. People told us that they were involved in making decisions about their care and support. They said they had opportunities to choose and take part in activities and enjoyed the events that the service arranged. They told us they had opportunities to offer their views at regular residents meetings.

However, we found that the provider did not always investigate incidents and accidents. This may place people at risk of harm because causes and the prevention of possible further incidents had not been identified.

We found that some areas of the service were not cleaned to and adequate standard or were unhygienic and that some staff training in key areas had lapsed.

24 January 2012

During a routine inspection

People told us that they were happy with the care and support they received and that their needs were being met. They said that the staff treated them with respect, listened to them and supported them to raise any concerns they had about their care.

Professionals spoken too reported very positively about the service provided and had no concerns with regard to the quality of care.

A relative spoken with was happy about the service and felt staff treated her relative well. She had no concerns and said that the manager was very approachable and staff were wonderful.