Archived: Derby City Council Domiciliary Service

Middleton House, 27 St Marys Gate, Derby, Derbyshire, DE1 3NS (01332) 717260

Provided and run by:
Derby City Council

All Inspections

6 November 2012

During a routine inspection

People using the service told us they welcomed the support they received. They felt that the service enabled them to regain confidence and told us staff have been excellent at promoting their independence.

Comments from people about the service included 'the support workers encourage me to be as independent as possible,' 'they never rush me, taking time to support me' and 'since I have been receiving the service, I can see the progress I have made.'

People also told us that the support workers always respected their privacy and dignity. They also told us the support workers were very friendly and caring towards them.

Relatives were very complimentary about the support workers and the service. Comments included 'we have been very happy with the care,' 'support workers have been excellent,' 'on the whole it's a fantastic service' and 'it's been a great reassurance, my relative has been well supported.'

One person told us they were aware how to complain, but have had no reason to complain.

Relatives told us if there was a problem they would contact the office. Comments included 'if we had an issue I would contact the office, staff were very accessible and things would get resolved.'

Staff we spoke with told us that they felt the service provided made a difference to peoples lives, as they worked alongside people promoting their independence. Staff told us that they were well supported.