24 September 2018
During a routine inspection
At our last inspection we rated the service good. At this inspection we found the evidence continued to support the rating of good and there was no evidence or information from our inspection and ongoing monitoring that demonstrated serious risks or concerns. This inspection report is written in a shorter format because our overall rating of the service has not changed since our last inspection.
People’s relatives told us their family members trusted staff and felt safe when staff supported them. There were systems in place to help make sure people were protected from the risk of abuse and staff were aware of safeguarding procedures and understood how to safeguard the people they supported.
Staff helped make sure people were safe and knew the risks people faced each day. They took steps to reduce those risks while still encouraging people's independence. Staff followed safe practices when assisting people with their medicine.
There was a 24-hour call system in operation, this made sure support and advice was always available for people and staff.
People were cared for by staff who received appropriate training and support to do their job well. Staff felt supported by managers through regular supervision and appraisals.
People and their relatives were involved in making decisions about their care, treatment and support and the care plans reflected this. People were supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives and staff supported them in the least restrictive way possible. The policies and systems in the service supported this practice.
Relatives told us their family members liked staff and thought they were caring. Staff respected people’s privacy and dignity. When required, staff supported people with their activities and interests, both in their own home and in the community.
People were asked about their food and drink choices and staff assisted them with their meals when required.
People's healthcare needs were met through the involvement of external professionals when required.
People’s relatives said they would complain if they needed to and knew who to complain to.
People were contacted regularly to make sure they were happy with the service and spot checks helped review the quality of the care provided.
Further information is in the detailed findings below.