• Doctor
  • Independent doctor

Archived: The Burghwood Clinic

34 Brighton Road, Banstead, Surrey, SM7 1BS (01737) 361177

Provided and run by:
The Burghwood Clinic Ltd

All Inspections

26 November 2014

During a routine inspection

This inspection was carried out by one inspector. We considered all the evidence we gathered under the outcomes we inspected. We spoke with two people using the service and two staff working in the service. We looked at outcomes relating to consent, care and welfare of people who use services, cleanliness and infection control, suitability of staffing and assessing and monitoring the quality of service provision. We used the information to answer the five questions we always ask; is the service safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led? Below is a summary of what we found. The summary describes what we observed, the records we looked at and what people who used the service and staff told us.

Is the service safe?

Individualised treatment plans were developed following individual consultation. There were detailed assessments of people's care and treatment needs, with an emphasis on the identification of specific risks to their health and welfare. We also saw that systems were in place for the recruitment and selection of qualified and skilled staff with appropriate checks in place.

Is the service effective?

The service ensured that the information given to people with regard to treatment options was up to date and relevant. At the time of our visit we saw that the medical director was being appraised by the Independent Doctors Federation, following a framework laid down by the General Medical Council (GMC). One person using the service told us "The treatment is really good. Staff are great.They help me to make my own decisions and are very knowledgeable."

Is the service caring?

People we spoke with were positive about the advice they received from staff. We saw that people were treated with dignity and respect and they were involved in decisions about their treatment options.

Is the service responsive?

We saw that people's preferences were taken into account when planning their treatment. This included assessing people's needs based on their choices and developing individualised treatment plans to meet those needs. We saw that people were referred to other external professionals when required.

Is the service well-led?

Policy and quality audits were not up to date. A new management structure was in place at the time of our visit and we saw evidence of plans in place to address issues in relation to assessing and monitoring the quality of the service. Staff we spoke with told us that the management of the service was approachable and they felt listened to.

25 March 2013

During a routine inspection

As part of our inspection we spoke with three people who used the service about the care and treatment they received. We also spoke with the Registered Manager and three support staff. During the inspection we saw people visiting the service and noted that the interactions were positive and people appeared to be relaxed with the staff.

People told us they were happy with the care and treatment provided by the Burghwood Clinic. Comments included "I think the staff and doctors here are excellent" and "They have been life savers". People spoke highly of the staff and described them as "Wonderful", "Fabulous" and said they felt completely "Safe" in their care.

People said that they had been provided with information about their treatment options and had been told about the benefits, possible risks and follow up care. One person said "I was given a lot of information about the treatments" and "I receive regular follow up calls to see how I'm getting on with the treatment".

Staff told us they felt "Supported" by their manager and "Liked" working for the service.

We also gathered evidence of people's experiences of the service by reviewing the provider's patient satisfaction surveys. The most recent surveys showed that people were satisfied with the service and the treatment they had received.